Golden Suppression Formation

Earlier that day, Deon spoke to every single one of his men, one by one, issuing each and every one of them with commands. They were all ordered to secrecy regarding the contents of their discussion and the various orders he gave to them.

50 soldiers were supplied with the silver class 1-Star golden suppression spirit. This was a 1-Star silver class spirit, and on its own, it was basically useless. Its true value lay in the fact that when different shamans activated this same spirit at the same time, so long as they were within range of one another, the effects of the two identical spirits would combine, fuse and become more powerful!

If handled correctly, it was possible to create a large region of suppression using a circle or other gathering of shamans. In the greater shaman world, this was known as a 'formation'.

Unfortunately, not only was this spirit very draining on origin energy, it was also exceedingly difficult to refine.

It was difficult for most 1-Star shaman spirit refiners, but for Deon, this spirit was a blessing of a trump card for his men. The materials to produce it were cheap, it's just that there were far too many steps in the refining procedure.

It was actually necessary to first refine the 1-Star blazing light spirit, a spirit which started to die immediately after it was refined, it could only survive for at most 10 seconds!

The main issue was that 2 of these spirits needed to be used in the refinement of the golden suppression spirit, whilst both needed to be refined by the same shaman, or else the refinement of golden suppression spirit would fail. As such, the golden suppression spirit could only be produced via dual refining!

Dual refining was a skill that even many 2-Star spirit refiners were unable to master, so of course, nobody could have guessed in their wildest dreams that not only was Deon able to dual refine, but he was actually much better at dual refining than the only 2-Star shaman spirit refiner in the Kingdom of Restari who possessed this skill!

"This, Commander Deon, please explain the meaning of your actions!" Lieutenant Reana's heart skipped a beat as she felt the near total suppression of her ability to manipulate and control origin energy. In this state, she was almost completely unable to activate any of her spirits!

"Lieutenant Reana, I apologise for this suppression, my target isn't you, but I could only suppress the entire area. Even I am suppressed nearly entirely here, sigh, it really isn't a pleasant feeling, but there's no helping it."

As Deon spoke to Lieutenant Reana, he was actually completely focussed on Lieutenant Shi. Her expression changed even more drastically than Reana's.

When Deon turned to her and his eyes flashed with a demonic black light for a couple of seconds, she paled and took a step back.

After analysing her with his ancient demon spirit, Deon was able to confirm his conjecture…Lieutenant Shi was indeed a 2-Star shaman.

"Lieutenant Shi, I apologise, but I must insist that you don't move." Deon smiled.

"C-Commander Deon, what are you doing, why are you attacking me?!" Lieutenant Shi showed a look of fear and confusion, eyeing Deon cautiously, but not daring to move a single step further. Not only was she strongly suppressed right now, but she could feel an unknown and extreme sense of crisis that did not stem from this suppression formation. She didn't know just who or what was targeting her, but it shocked her severely.

Deon's eyes lit up with glee. He was worried that she wouldn't take his threat seriously, but it seemed that he had still underestimated her. She was actually able to feel the life and death crisis she found herself in as she stood between 6 watch towers, all of which had men pointing specialised cannons towards her.

After hearing Lieutenant Shi's question, everyone stared in shock and waited for an answer.

"Please don't misunderstand me lieutenant, I'm not trying to suppress you…I am suppressing the rare spying type spirit that General Li placed on you!" Deon lied through his teeth.

Lieutenant Shi now felt even more bewildered.

What damned 'spying spirit'?!

She almost cried out that he was just making all of this up, but she suddenly paused and caught herself. If she really said that there was no spying spirit attached to her, she would need to explain why she was so certain of this…

But she was currently hiding her 2-Star shaman identity!

"A spying type spirit?" Remi muttered in a daze.

"General Li?" Lieutenant Reana's eyes widened, then hurriedly stepped forwards and said: "Commander Deon, are you saying that General Li is in league with the false king? There's no way, I've known the general for years now, he-"

"Lieutenant Reana, please stop!" Deon quickly shouted out, stunning her as she heard the intensity in his voice. "Lieutenant, this 2-Star spying spirit is extremely strange, I was only able to discover it thanks to my mysterious core spirit. I fear that not only does it possess spying capabilities, but also a powerful self destruct function! Everyone, please take 20 steps back whilst I deal with this matter personally!"

Deon's ability to lie with a sincere expression astounded Lieutenant Shi, but she remained silent and just watched him sharply.

Everyone did as Deon instructed, not doubting his words in the least.

Luckily, he had influenced these people enough that he was able to make them believe in such a ridiculous lie.

Those who were currently acting against Lieutenant Shi felt a sigh of relief. So they weren't threatening the lieutenant herself, but the malicious spirit hidden on her body! Huh, were the cannons really necessary then…?

Even though he had successfully tricked the few hundred soldiers, captains and even a lieutenant, Deon wasn't feeling relaxed at all. Compared to making them believe his lie, he was far more concerned with how Lieutenant Shi would react to all this.

As expected, when he started moving closer towards her, she took a step back as her mind raced.

"Lieutenant, I truly don't wish to harm you, but the spirit on your body poses a threat to my entire camp!" Deon called out quickly as he stopped walking forwards. His words seemed innocent, but the lieutenant instantly understood the hidden meaning…

If she continued to retreat, he would attack!

Her eyes flashed with a blazing light that made Deon's own eyes narrow, he had never seen this look on her face before now. However, his next words extinguished her fighting intent before it even properly formed.

"Lieutenant Shi, please trust me just this once! I'm confident that I can help you, and I need your strength when we deal with General Li later on! I truly apologise for all this, I will definitely repay you if you stay still and allow me to take 10 steps towards you! Remember that I'm only a 1-Star shaman, and I'm unable to use my spirits to their full capacity right now."

Lieutenant Shi stopped, then looked at Deon deeply. Everyone else around them only heard the surface layer of Deon's words, a seemingly hurried and desperate plea. The lieutenant though, was able to see through his deeper meaning.

When he said 'just me and nobody else', he was emphasising that he was trying to create a situation where the two of them were isolated from the others around them. His reminder that he was only a 1-Star shaman sobered her up, making her realise that he truly wouldn't be able to use any sort of spirit against her.

And then he mentioned working together and repayment.

Lieutenant Shi's eyes brightened as her gaze towards Deon became somewhat amazed. Right now, in this situation, he was trying to make a deal with her!

Deon finally reached the lieutenant. As expected, she did not attack, but she kept a close eye on him as hesitant killing intent lingered in her gaze.

"I apologise for resorting to threats, but it was my only option. After all, you're a mid stage 2-Star shaman, if I just casually revealed that I'm aware that you're a spy, then you might have killed me on the spot."

Deon spoke without moving his lips as he activated his core spirit, forming black glowing lights at his fingertips. His core spirit, being an extremely high class spirit, was not completely suppressed by this formation, though all he could manage was to release this small amount of light.

He moved his hands around in front of the lieutenant's body and wore a serious expression. To everyone present, it looked like he was focussing with his full effort, searching for the malicious spirit and trying to destroy it!

He wasn't actually doing anything, this was just a light trick. The strange black light of the ancient demon spirit made it look impressive and mysterious though.

As soon as Deon started doing this and spoke to her privately, Lieutenant Shi finally relaxed as she confirmed that he really wasn't trying to kill her. This relaxation didn't last for long, when it hit her that she had actually been discovered!

However, she wouldn't act rashly and continued to play innocent, incase Deon was just probing and didn't actually know for sure that she was a spy.

"Commander, what are you saying, I-"

"Miss Shi, I can only maintain this suppression for 100 more seconds and I'm pretty sure that you will kill me if I haven't convinced you by that time, so please be quiet and just listen."

Unexpectedly, Deon wouldn't even give her any speaking time! She pondered and quickly decided that for now, she would remain silent. She was also curious about what he had to say. Seeing this, Deon relaxed.

Form here on, he was confident that everything would go as he intended it to.