2-Star Killing Machine

Shi's jaw dropped to the floor. She didn't understand what she was watching right now…no, she understood what she had just witnessed, she just couldn't comprehend how such a thing could be possible!

For now though, she was still unable to bring herself to approach Deon.

A strange scene was currently taking place in the middle of this battlefield. Shi, along with many of the enemy rebels and Fan soldiers watched on as Deon stood there silently, staring off into the distance.

After he drew the ancient demon sword, Deon seemed to freeze, staring off into space as if he was in a trance.

His eyes had turned a pitch black colour, and although he was no longer exuding his full 2-Star aura, the aura he was releasing right now was somehow an even bigger deterrent.

Shi involuntarily shivered, then a moment later, she blinked and sobered up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Deon again.

"Ah…" She quickly looked around and became alert. Suddenly, all of the surrounding soldiers sobered up too…but Deon was still staring off in a daze! They turned their attention towards Deon, realising that this might be the only chance they would get!


Shi wouldn't let anyone attack him, she refused to let Deon die until he properly explained to her how it was that he could break through in the middle of a battle!

Multiple heads rolled to the floor, causing the surrounding soldiers to break out into a cold sweat, not daring to get close. They were instantly reminded that even if Deon was currently out of commission, this masked girl was no less terrifying!

"Take a single step forwards if you want to be the next to die!" Shi yelled out coldly. Finally, it seemed the soldiers realised that even if the enemy commander was incapacitated, they had no chance of breaking through and taking his head.

Shi was worried that Deon would remain in his dazed state for a few days, after all, he had just broken through to the rank of 2-Star. Even if his ascension completely baffled her, she thought that logically, he should still need to stabilise his foundation like everyone else, right?

"Eh?" Deon blinked and looked around. Less than 2 minutes after making his breakthrough, his foundation was stabilised and he fully regained his mental faculties.

When he initially broke through, he had thought that everything was over, only to quickly realise that his ascension had not yet settled down. After digesting the life force he devoured from the massacred soldiers during his breakthrough, Deon was now truly ready to return to the battlefield.

"You…" Shi turned to him and had a hundred questions she wanted to ask, but seeing their current situation, it clearly wasn't the appropriate time. She really had been a bit rash when she charged in this deep.

"We should pull back." She finally sighed and suggested. Deon looked around, assessed their current situation, then nodded lightly.

And so, the duo slaughtered their way out of this seemingly endless encirclement.

No, rather than an encirclement, they were literally surrounded by hundreds of enemies on all sides. They were in the most dangerous possible position in this battle.

A trail of bloody corpses was left in their wake as they killed their way through the sea of soldiers. Every single one of these soldiers was a 1-Star shaman, but when facing off against Shi and Deon's combined might, they were simply helpless!

20 minutes later, they broke out from the crowd without too much difficulty. It was arduous and wore down their stamina, but they were never in any serious life threatening danger. They killed their way out, ruthlessly killing ever enemy in their way, before returning to the main Restari army. Deon nodded to Shi lightly, who then quickly slipped away into the darkness, chasing her clothing and then returning to the Restari army silently and unnoticed. As for Deon…

"Men, I have already slain the three 2-Star enemy leaders! Even if their force is stronger than we expected, so what?!" Deon held up three heads. Not everyone recognised the three heads, but at least half of everyone present recognised at least one of the three.

A wave of gasps resounded throughout both sides. The Restari side's morale shot upwards. Soldiers and captains exclaimed out loud, and before long, everyone realised that all three of those heads belonged to renowned 2-Star shamans!

Roars and war cries echoed out in the cool night. The Fan and Restari rebels fell into despair as their army fell apart. They were now without a leader, without direction and without hope.

They wanted to retreat, but Deon would not allow it. In order to bolster his reputation and in order to engrain his capabilities in the hearts of his men, he issued the command to chase, to kill, to wipe out the enemy army!

Deon only casually participated in the following few minutes of battle, before confirming that their success was assured.

He returned to Shi, quickly discussing their next course of action.

"You want to split up?" Shi asked uncertainly at Deon's proposition.

"Mm. I'll go to the 47th unit, you go to the 45th unit."

"Hah…fine, I guess you can probably look after yourself now. But you have to explain things to me properly later on, alright?"

"Hmm, maybe…"

"So annoying!"

As Deon rushed off to the 47th battlefield, he looked down into his leather pouch and laughed loudly.

After he sobered up from his 2-Star ascension, he was stunned to find that there were two 2-Star spirits just lying there on the corpses of the fallen 2-Star shamans! It seemed that Shi and the enemy soldiers were all too stunned to act…and they didn't even noticed when Deon casually bent down, scooped the spirits up and slipped them into his satchel!

He didn't recognise either of the spirits, it seemed that one belonged to the Fan General and the other to the rebel Restari General.

'Hopefully they don't die due to malnutrition…well, they should be fine for a day or so at least, 2-Star spirits are more hardy. Either way, there should be some more 2-Star enemies to kill and rob now, hahaha!'

Deon made his way towards the 47th unit, dashing agilely through the dead of night, unhindered by the uneven mountainous terrain. Even in the dead of night, with no light to illuminate his surroundings and the moon hidden by the grey clouds up above, Deon was able to see the path forwards with ease.

The eagle eye spirit continued to show its use. Now that he was a 2-Star shaman, he was able to draw out more power from his 1-Star spirits, so his eyesight had elevated to a new level.

Soon enough, Deon arrived at the struggling 47th unit.

Both the 45th and 47th battlefields were a brutal struggle from the start of the assault until now. Whilst the Restari had the element of surprise and superior organisation on their side, the enemy Fan troops were unexpectedly led by a 2-Star general!

Originally, their intel suggested that only the 44th, 46th and 48th unit battlefields would face an enemy 2-Star shaman. Since three 2-Star enemy shamans had shown up on the 46th unit battlefield, Deon could already guess that the other units would be struggling more than expected.

Under the suppression of the 2-Star giant of a man who led the charge, countless loyal Restari troops in the 47th unit were cut down. Just as they were beginning to lose hope, an angel descended from the sky and saved them.

Even if this angel was a child, soaked in blood, who grinned happily after massacring tens of enemies on his way towards the enemy 2-Star general…he was still their saviour after all, so they couldn't complain.

The 1-Star shamans were simply a joke before Deon. Even before his ascension to 2-Star, he was able to kill his way through an army already. Now that his origin energy had elevated, along with his ancient demon spirit and his ability to utilise his 1-Star spirits, Deon was simply like a killing machine.

Bodies were thrown to the left and right, those ahead had their organs pulverised in a single strike, anyone unlucky enough to get in his way became a dismembered sack of flesh and blood, tossed to the side like a broken sack of potatoes.

Before long, Deon found his target.

Deon's battle against the 2-Star Fan Kingdom General in the 47th unit ended in such a short period of time that all who saw it felt stunned. He swept in like a spectre of death, catching the enemy general off guard and piercing his blade through the giant man's liver from behind.

Deon didn't know what this person ate growing up, but he was over 7 feet tall and his body was even more muscular than the minotaur transformation that he faced earlier!

Even so, a sword through the liver was a terrible injury to sustain during battle. The general stumbled forwards, attempting to turn around and attack Deon with his war axed, but only serving to offer up his neck, which Deon promptly cut through, liberating his head from his body.

Deon's eyes lit up as he saw a spirit emerging from the general's body. Before it could escape, he quickly snatched it up and placed it in his satchel, before anyone else could even see it.

After holding the severed head high above him and raising the Restari's morale, Deon confirmed that the men here could handle the clear up of this battle, then quickly departed, running hastily towards the next camp.

His heart was racing, he knew that time was of the essence…

As expected, this war was simply too thrilling!