
The heavy silence in the air seemed to thicken and the flames flickered back to their pits. The crackling fire was the only sound that punctuated the empty hall. The approaching royal stopped in his tracks at Lord Fashire's words and his lips spread out in an eager smile, a thirsty hunger in his eyes as they landed on me. My skin crawled under his hungry gaze.


I had the attention of a purebred. This was not good. Not good at all, and did Lord Fashire just call him brother?


The burly royal threw his head back and emitted a booming laugh that reverberated through the heavy atmosphere. His lips curved into a wicked smile as he wiped away the remnants of blood from his jaw. "You no longer have the authority to call me that, you lowly—"


Lord Fashire's lips twisted into a disgusted sneer and his steely eyes narrowed into treacherous slits. "Did you forget my warning?"