Fashire's Punishment II



Lorn's revelation sent an unsettling shiver through my core. It was even solidified by Elise Gremlin's arrival. I questioned her about my departure and she had given me a shady excuse, miffed as she too had been questioned by Lorn. She didn't know about any human servant and her story had been that I had come with an interesting pet and then left with it because I had something urgent I needed to tend to.


She had no recollection of the girl ever working for them, yet she remembered Strome. It was as if, once the secret was unmasked, individuals who hadn't closely interacted with the girl would forget about the ordeal entirely. Was this how Strome had eluded scrutiny for so long? 


No. That made no sense. If that was the case, Enamel and Elise would hardly remember her when she kept to herself.