

Searing heat spread from the tip of my forehead and spread to the whole of my head as a plethora of images flitted through my mind at rapid speed, stopping in short bursts at sceneries upon sceneries I couldn't understand.

They were all foreign, from the immense structural monoliths to giant figures moving through equally gigantic woods and cities, to screams clamouring against a blood-red sky. It was nothing like the peaceful calm I had seen when I had woken up in Sphinx's body, and as my mind reeled violently trying to process the overload of meaningless information, my journey came to an abrupt stop.


Or so I thought until I felt the faint scratch of the silken fabric against my face. I was blindfolded, and I was walking barefooted across an immensely cold floor that made my feet tingle with numbness as I took each painful step.

But I didn't stop. Or rather, I couldn't.