

What if the King truly wasn't so far gone and that Paloma was the one influencing him? But for what?

From the deepening frown that began to crease Effer's face as she eyed Paloma, I suspected she was drawing that conclusion too.

The King looked around in confusion and a mixture of annoyance filtered in. "What reports are you speaking of? I was expecting you to come with them!"

"But you called for this meeting," the twin serpents addressed, emphasizing each word as if to chip away at the King's defence. "Isn't that why we unanimously agreed for the Boon century to be—"

"The King of Vore did not start with that, our Queen did," Teni voiced in a calm tone.

This drew silence from the rest.

"And you were aware of this, Your Majesties, so please drop the act." The other lady beside Teni cast a sidelong glance in my direction and past Slin, directing their attention to the rulers of Sixphen.