

I knew it wasn't me she was referring to, but I was already on edge by my shifting stance and my irritation caused me to snap when this person's sudden appearance petrified me. I was fed up.

"Are you that blind or do I look like Fashire to you?"

The person recoiled in surprise, its face scrunching up as if I had spat at them. Now that its foreign face was away from mine, I noticed the rustling sound came from actual brown leaves with patterned the creature's flowery grey dress. If I were to be honest, the clothing was ridiculous and it just looked like it had coated its body with some grey tar and smeared leaves all over it, covering its body, arms, and legs with balls of leaves. There were leaves caught in its dark hair and from its hardening frown, it could pick up my train of thought.

If it did, it didn't say anything.

"Are you referring to me?" it hissed, displeasure in its tone.