

My head felt like it consisted of cotton swaying around in soft rhythms and patterns, tickling the inside of my skull and spreading down to my chest, and all the way down to the tips of my toes. 

When I opened my eyes, I realised that I had been crying and even now, wet streaks ran down from the corner of my eyes to the soft pillow I was propped up on. 

I blinked repeatedly. I felt weak and I could barely even lift my arms to wipe my tears. And I honestly didn't particularly feel any different from before. 

Had it not worked?

I wasn't entirely sure, and I honestly didn't want to bother about the uncertainty. But on the other side, I couldn't describe the odd sensation washing over me. 

Someone shifted at my side and I felt the slightly coarse surface of a towel wipe the tears streaming down the side of my face. As I couldn't turn my neck, my eyes shifted to the slightly haggard face that drew closer above mine.