


Now I was sore in several places and they stubbornly refused to heal as fast as I'd like. 

No matter how much I had improved it seems, the damage she inflicted was still as unrelenting as before.

My throat itched. The thirst had tremendously increased from before, and it was all thanks to her.

I cupped the back of my neck and tilted it with a little pressure, hearing a comfortable crack as I eased the last knot in my body. Drinking from the vore plants would prove fruitless. They did nothing to quench the other thirst I had, and it wasn't receding.

Her gloating smile as she mocked me right after I had bit into her arm gnawed at my ego and I clenched my jaw, slightly irritated. Or should I have someone bleed her? Just a small cup—though I doubted that'd be enough.

"My Lord?"