

I flitted to the gazebo. Iruo wouldn't have done anything. Especially not with me around. She wouldn't dare. What was I even saying, the girl could hold her ground.

Or so I thought.

The High Priestess was sagging in her seat, her eyes glazed over as if she were half asleep and Hiln held her by both arms, bleeding profusely from her nose which had stained the skirt of her dress in an even darker shade.

"What are you doing?" I latched out, pulling Hiln by her wrist and tearing her grip off Iruo. They were both lost in their own world, and whatever it is that she was doing, she was clearly harming herself.

I managed to wring one hand free and Hiln flinched, snapping awake. Her hungry eyes flashed to mine, rooting me on the spot.

"No. I'm not done!" She snapped her hand to herself, hurriedly wiping her nose just as another stream flowed over the spot she had just cleared.