


I jerked to my senses, my skin riddled with sweat as my heart thundered and pulsated within the confines of my right chest. 

Becca was standing in front of me in perfect health. I didn't understand. How? I was absolutely certain of what I had seen. It had been vivid, and the warm splatter against my cheek had been as realistic as anything else. 

My terror remained, but it didn't ebb with Becca before me. Or had I lost my mind? This couldn't be a hallucination. I had seen—

"Hiln!" Becca dashed towards me, her grip firm on my shoulders as she shook me, jarring me even further. 

A baffled May and Saffire raced towards us and I noticed a few eyes in our direction… which only increased in number. 

"What…?" I croaked, only for my voice to falter.

Their eyes were frantic and I saw the mixture of fear and worry swimming about in Becca's wide-eyed gaze.