

I laid in bed, Didi fast asleep on my rising and falling stomach. I could not sleep, especially after what we had read. The time for our stay to end had come and the servants along with other palace staff would be arriving the following morning. 

I could understand they would be unnerved by my presence and that of Fashire's, so we agreed to leave and head towards one of those concentrated spots. We at least needed to go there first rather than scouring the whole world and learning all its languages. 

I wanted to see what was there and he agreed. Ingrid, Lunar, and Ali were here on Earth, and if not here then in those places. We needed to find them to find out what happened because Ingrid's journal stopped at a point and from what Strome had told us, we were able to fill in the gaps as to what happened. 

There had also been a few frightening discoveries.