Chapter Six:The Rivals

Sun ri hands over a file which has her terms and conditions to joo won

Mr.Joo won, these are the terms and conditions from our side.."you can have a look at it"

Joo won: "You got it done all by yourself!!"

Joo won is impressed with the professional gesture

Sun Ri nods reading the terms and conditions of Joo won

Joo won while reading the terms and conditions: "It is very comprehensive"

Joo won: "One thing surprises me"

Sun Ri looks at him

Joo won: "You have asked for a specific amount to be transferred before beginning the project"?

Sun Ri: "Sir, it is an emergency which we need to deal with..hence we request you to consider it"

Shin Min looks anxiously

Joo won stares.....


Shin Min feels excited

Sun Ri gives a sigh of relief and says: "Thank you for considering"

Joo won: "I hope my generosity will give me a better result"

Sun Ri: "Yes sir"

Joo won looks at Mr.Alex(watching cluelessly): "Anything else from your side Mr.Alex"

Alex says: "No sir"

Joo won: "You have not seen the contract properly..are you sure about signing it?'

Alex: "Ah. I have such an able assistant, I need not worry about such things"

Joo won looks amazed at the confidence that Alex has in Sun Ri

Joo won: "Ok ..let us complete the formalities, then"

Kim: "Sir, let me handle it"

Joo won signs the agreement

Kim hands over the agreement to Alex

Alex looks at it..feels amazed, and happy, and cries out

Kim, Sun Ri, Shin Min, and Jong-soo look shocked

jong soo: "Sir why are you crying"

Alex: "Happy tears"

Joo won frowns: "Mr. Alex, I did not think you were such an emotional person"

Alex: "yes sir, I am very know"

Jong soo..interrupts: "Sir, Mr. CEO might be busy, please sign the agreement soon"

Kim nods

Alex signs the agreement

Joo won: "Looking forward to working with you"

Looks at Sun Ri and says: "Given the kind of contract you have prepared in such a short time,it seems you have been a professional and worked earlier for such projects"

Sun Ri stares at Joo won as he leaves and gets lost in thoughts

glimpses of her working days cross her mind.


It is the rival company that Joo won wants to takeover

As the news of Joo won's ambitions to take over the company's gaming position spread there is a general sense of panic that has embraced the ambiance...

The cabin of CEO Yoo hee jin

The cabin is spacious ,it has a round table made of teak and a chair behind it

A life size photo of a lady holding an award is seen on the wall

Meanwhile on the table,there is a picture of "that "lady and a man smiling

A lady tall, beautiful wearing a black suit, beautiful earrings, and heels sitting in the chair of the CEO

She reads an article on her tablet: "Joo won's ambitions"

She throws it aside in anger

Director Park knocks on the door

Yoo hee jin: "Yeah Mr.park, come in"

Park: "Madam, we have to get prepared for tomorrow's board meeting. we have to update the chairperson about it"

Hee jin: "yes I know. are you worried Mr park"

park: "yeah??? yes!!"

hee jin: "Do not worry.. focus on the work"


They both move towards the cabin of the chairperson

Chairperson Han sun woo the letters on the board read

chairperson has the biggest room one can imagine.. decorated with interiors brought from different parts of the world

a chandelier, wind charms, the beauty of the room is beyond words

Chairperson Han sun woo, a man in his 30s tall handsome

he is seen sitting on his chair, deeply lost in thoughts

Mr park and hee jin knock on his door

sun woo looks at them and signs them to come inside

he asks them to take a seat

Sun woo:" Mr park, is everything ready for tomorrow's meeting.. can I have a look at the agenda??"

Hee, jin interrupts through a sarcastic smile:" agenda??? there is just one agenda honey. Joo won's stupid claims and board of director's stupid apprehensions"

Hee jin is sun woos fiancée... they have been in life in relationship

Sun woo looks at her and asks park to get the preparations done

Park: "sir we have a meeting with the game development team todaY, news has been that"..

he takes a pause

Sun woo: "go ahead"

Park: "Mr. Joo won has hired an efficient person for game development"

Sun woo: "efficient person?? who?? "

Park: "the details of the person have been kept strictly confidential"

Sun woo: "confidential??? then what are our networks to do with" (bursts out in anger)

Hee jin:'calm down honey"

Park: "sir we have been trying to figure it out.. we will be able to do that soon"

Sun woo: "you better do it quickly.. I say" shouts...

staff outside his cabin are terrified

employees gossip

why the boss has been so angry lately

the news has been that Mr. Joo won has declared to take over our company



is it possible

Mr. Joo won is a very qualified and ruthless businessman.. he has conquered everything he desired to date. so it seems our company is his next target

will be able to do that

yeah.. that's why our chairperson is so terrified

but our CEO looks so cool

we all know this lady can come up with anything and can change anyone's fate

true.. maybe she has some tactics /plans in mind

hope she has this time even to save the company

I know something else too

what is that

that CEO Joo won is more handsome than our boss

are you serious?

yes, rumor has it that even our CEO had an eye on him

what.. really


others laugh and some gaze at the ignorant banter

hee jin comes out of the cabin

everyone pretends to work

hee jin stares and yells at them: "you guys are good for nothing.. get back to work"

Mr park follows her

hee jin: "Mr park what else do you know about the game developer that the CEO hired"

park:" madam, as I said it is quite confidential right now"

hee jin: "are you kidding?? money can unlock any confidentiality.. use it liberally.. just make sure none touches the level of chroma's present game level"

park nods his head:'yes madam"

hee jin: "anyway I'm sure I have the best game developer team on my side... the one who can beat them is as good as dead"

hee jin calls someone

"I want the details of the game developer that joo won has hired at any cost "

someone on the other side: "ok madam"

hee jin: "Mr park spread the news all over through our media peers that joo won has been putting a show and there is no update on his game version.. his claims of taking over are rubbish"

park nods: "ok madam"

hee jin calls one of her media friends

"I want this news to be everywhere..."

hee jin: "Mr park makes sure a positive atmosphere develops before board meetings even if that is at the cost of negativity about someone. I do not care"

park nods... leaves...

Back at Sun RI's store sun RI gets lost with the remarks of Joo won about her being professional

Joo won: "are you alright "??

sun ri: "yes I am"

Joo won: "you have to sign the contract too"

sun ri looks shocked

"Why should I "?

Joo won: "Mr. Alex seems to trust and depend on you a lot"

alex:'yes I trust her. I depend on her"

shin min signals not to interrupt

Joo won continues: "this makes you an inseparable part of the contract.. you can see I have made specific provisions for you too. you also cannot withdraw from assisting Mr. Alex without my consent"

Alex laughs and says: "that will not happen.. that is not going to happen"

Joo won: "I like your confidence in your assistant Mr. Alex but as far as this project is concerned I just can't take any risk"

he remembers the way he declared taking over the company at the board of director's meet

"I never waste time intending, I have already taken the step and you are going to witness the take over of our rival gaming group by us within three months"

he also remembers the way his father treats it to be prestigious

"You have announced the take over of our rival group but our game is still not up to the level of our rivals' game..when are we going to level up and take over..this is very prestigious for us as the news has spread better focus on it"

All these things going on in his head makes him anxious.

Sun Ri observes him and says

'Sir there is no need for you to worry about anything..we will take care of everything and make sure we will not let you down"

Joo won is amazed at the way she has read his mind without any communication

Joo won in his mind: what is can she grasp it so easily..what is this vibe that I feel with her...those eyes...those mysterious eyes..why they haunt me..her face...her charm...Joo won what is wrong with you..why are you getting carried away..while all these thoughts cross his mind, his face becomes more anxious

Sun ri: "Are you okay"?

Joo won(clears his throat): "yes"

Joo won calls Kim and asks him to follow

While Kim leaves with Joo won, he waves his hand at shin min, Joo won observes it and thinks it is pointed towards jong soo again

After you won and Kim leaves Shin Min, Alex, and Jong-soo shout together

"Hurray!! we made it !! we made it!!"

Alex: "I am happy that we do not have to worry about money for the surgery"

Sun Ri smiles ..Shin Min looks at her

While in the car

Joo won: "Kim you look so happy around the one you love, this place makes you happy"

Kim(blushes): "yes"

Joo won teases him : "You are blushing"smiles

Kim: "Sir but I feel your vibe differently around this place"

Joo won frowns

Kim: "you look happy, sad, anxious, and somehow a little different from what I see usually"

Joo won(in his mind): "even I am amazed at this fact, how can I explain it to someone else"

Joo won to Kim: "it is all in your head.I am quite just focussing on my work"

Kim: "ok sir"

Back at sun RI's store...Sun RI receives a message of the amount being credited to the business account

she informs all about this

Shin Min bursts out in happy tears

she calls home: "mom we have arranged money for the surgery"

her mom: "really"

shin min:'yeah"

Mom: "My guardian angel has protected my child"

shin min:'yeah our guardian angel has protected us "(looking at Sun Ri)

Jong soo: "This calls for a celebration"

Alex and Shin Min scream together


They have drinks together...sun RI looks at them and feels happy and relieved

Kim: "thank you sir for transferring the amount so quickly"

Joo won: "Why are you thanking me on their behalf"

Kim: "I mean this is the message I received from Mr.Alex"

Kim continues: "He might have thought that you might be busy so asked me to convey"

Joo won nods

Kim gets a call


Joo won asks him what is wrong

Kim: "Sir CROMA group has been spreading the news about your claims of takeover to be"

Joo won interrupts:"false,baseless..tall claims"

Kim looks at him and says: "yes"

Joo won: "I would have been surprised if such news would not have circulated..this means they have started to take the warning seriously"

Kim: "really sir"

Joo won: "yes and their target would be to spoil our endeavors"

Kim stares at him

Joo won: "Kim make sure meeting with Mr.Alex happens at a place where nobody can know about us working together"

Kim: "ok sir"

Joo won: "tell Mr.Alex it is all to maintain his privacy and confidentiality"

Kim: "ok sir, i will follow the instructions"