chapter twenty two:THE REUNION

Joo won goes to office,discusses with the game development team

After a hectic days work,he returns home

He goes to his room to fresh up

His mother comes to call him for dinner,however she observes him to be asleep

His mother:"Very unusual of him to sleep so early"

Joo won wakes up the next morning

He wonders how did he managed to sleep so long

As far as his memory goes he has not been able to sleep well without sleeping pills.It was a rare instant in years that he had gone to sleep without any pills

Joo won:"This is strange but feels good"

His mother enters the room with breakfast:"What's strange?"

Joo won:"Nothing"

His mother:"You slept last night without having dinner but i was happy you had a deep sleep"

Joo won eats the breakfast

His mother gets him a suit

"wear it for the reunion,it would look good"

Joo won:"Thanks mom"

His mother:"Get ready soon,i will be waiting downstairs"


Hee jin over a phone call

"are you sure,he is coming"

Seriously,ok i will be attending today"

Sun woo enters the room:'where are you gong?"

Hee jin trembles:"I have an important work today,i will not be able to attend any meetings today"

sun woo:"but you were the one who planned these meetings today"

Hee jin:"Yeah,but you can handle it or postpone it"

Sun woo:"What's so important?"

Hee jin:"Iam not obliged to answer all of your questions,let me go"

Sun woo(scoffs)

Hee jin gets ready for the reunion party

She wears a green color skirt(thinks) while applying makeup

'this used to be his favourite color"

Joo won reaches the reunion venue

All his friends are delighted to see him

"oh joo won,that's you"

"man we have not seen you in years"

"soo good to see you"

Joo won:"Same here"

Voice of a lady from behind

"hello guys"

Everyone turns around

Hee jin smiles standing there

Friends:"Oh hee jin "

Hee jin looks at them goes straight to Joo won

"Hi joo won,how are you"

Guys over there gossip

"this has not changed,she used to ignore us back then and even now"

Joo won smiles "fine" and leaves

guys gossip

"even this thing has not changed,joo won ignoring her"

everybody laughs

Hee jin looks furious,gives a deadly stare to them

Chae ri,a friend of Hee jin ,calms her

"Hee jin,let's go and have a seat over there"

Chae ri makes Hee jin sit

chae ri:"Calm down Hee jin,you ahve not changed a bit,your temper is still the same"

Chae ri looks around everyone

"look at everyone,how life has changedeveryone"

Hee jin looks around

Chae ri:"Do you remember our college days,how beautiful they were"

Hee jin remembers the way she used to hang out with chae ri and other friends

Hee jin:"I was blown away by the beauty of this boy when i saw him the first day.when i came to know about his status,i decided i will make him mine any way.I never used to let any chance go away to see him,stalk him,walk with him,help him.However,this boy never observed any of my actions or he chose to ignore all of them"

Chae ri:"but you didnt give up,remember the day you proposed him"

Hee jin thinks

Joo won was in the library

Hee jin:"Joo won , i want to talk to you about something important"

Joo won:"Yeah"

Hee jin:"Can we meet over a cup of coffee?"

Joo won:"Why?we can talk here too?"

Hee jin:"please"

Joo won:"Ok"

Hee jin:"Thank you"

Hee jin and joo won at a restaurant

A romantic theme based restuarant

Hee jin:"Joo won,do you like the ambience"

Joo won:"Yes"

Hee jin:"Did you like the coffee"

Joo won:"Yes"

Hee jin:"DO YOU LIKE ME?"

Joo won stares at her

Hee jin:"I like you"

Joo won smiles

They both stand and hug eachother

Joo won:"I like you too"

Joo won and Hee jin kiss eachother

Chae ri interrupts her

"Do you still remember your imagination before asking him out"

Chae ri laughs

Chae ri:"You went to the library to ask him out"

Hee jin:"Joo won , i want to talk to you about something important"

Joo won:"Yeah"

Hee jin:"Can we meet over a cup of coffee?"

Joo won:"Why?we can talk here too?"

Hee jin:"please"

Joo won:"Sorry,I have some important work,i can't meet"

Hee jin:"Tomorrow?"

Joo won:"No"

Hee jin:"Please"

Joo won:"If you want to say something ,say it here or iam leaving"

Hee jin:"I like you"

Other students at the library including chae ri look at her and smile

Joo won feels embarassed

"sorry i don't"

Hee jin feels humiliated

Chae ri:"I still remember your face,you were so disappointed"

Hee jin:"Why not,a handsome boy who is the heir of a large business firm jsut said no.i already had imagined a future with him by then"

Chae ri:"You didn't really give up and tried till the end of the college"

Hee jin:"yeah"

Chae ri:'Then you started working and met your boyfriend,how are things with you and him"

Hee jin:"Yeah ,good"

Min hyuk:"Just good,what's up boy" he asks Joo won

Joo won:"Eversince have returned from USA a couple of years ago and now iam trying to make INTELLEKT the number one.."

Min hyuk interrupts:"Cut it,iam asking about your love life"

Joo won(smiles)

Min hyuk:"I have been in touch with your mother as much as iam with you.I know how disastrous your blind dates have been..what are you upto..Have you found someone?"

Joo won (smiles)

Min hyuk:"What's with that smile?"

Min hyuk holds his hand

"As a childhood friend,i have known your deepest fears"

Joo won bows his head down

"I have seen you suffer every single day,the world has seen a successful joo won but i have seen the suffering one,it's high time you forget everything and give love and life a chance to cheer you up"

Joo won:"Recently i met someone"

Min hyuk:"A girl?pretty?"

Joo won:"Stop it"

Min hyuk:"ok continue"

Joo won:"The way she comforted me for a while made him so happy and relieved.The words she spoke had a great impact on me"

Min hyuk:" you like her"

Joo won smiles

Min hyuk:"Like her?really!"

Joo won(blushes):"It's not like waht you are thinking"

Min hyuk:"How do you know what am i thinking,look how you are blushing"

Joo won:"Who's blushing?"

Min hyuk smiles

Meanwhile Chae ri and hee jin joins them at the table

Min Hyuk:"Hee jin,how are you?how's Mr.han?"

Hee jin:"Fine,he's doing good,actually he is the leader in the artificial intelligence video gaming arena,proud of my boy friend"

Joo won looks t her:"If you are proud of him because of his leading position in this arena,it's time you find other reasons because it's not going to be the case in the near future"

Hee jin(scoffs):'so you foresee future"

Joo won:"Iam confident of building one"

Hee jin tries to answer

Chae ri interferes

:"Guys,reunion is not a business conference, you should refrain from talking about business please"

Min hyuk:"Yeah that's true"

Meanwhile Kim goes to Joo won's place

Joo won's mother:"Kim you are here"

Kim:"Good morning madam"

Joo won's mother:"Good morning,joo won has left for the reunion,he asked me to handover these files to you"

Kim takes the files:"Thank you madam"

Kim tries to go

Joo won's mother:"Kim ,do you ahve a moment to spare"

Kim:"yes madam"

Joo won's mother:"How was the trip?"

Kim looks perplexed

Joo won's mother:"I mean joo won looked so happy after the trip,there was a spark,im happy about it but at the same time curious about the reason that ignited that spark"

Kim looks at ther

Joo won's mother:"By any chance do you have any idea?"

Kim:"Madam,right now i don't have any idea but will be the first to inform you if i get to know about it"

Kim leaves the place

Joo won's mother:'God make this spark stay forever with my child,keep him happy"

Meanwhile at the reunion party,Joo won meets and greets all his friends

They have meals together,they drink together


"life was good when we are in college"

'actually life happened after college which is terrible"

"true,if we had a time machine we would have gone back to relive those days"

"those affairs too"

everybody laughs

"i think we should meet very often"

"yeah this way atleast we will feel like we are reliving those days"

"meals and drinks were top notch today"

"may be it tasted good because we were together"

"may be true"

Joo won looks at them

Min hyuk:"Look how these well grown men have turned into crazy kids"

Joo won smiles

Min hyuk:"This is the essence of togetherness joo won,you just feel good to be with some people,you feel good to be at some places"

Joo won:"True"

Min hyuk:"So try to be with such people and it"

Joo won nods

meanwhile the friends banter continues

"i don't want to leave"

"is he really going to stay here"

"yeah untill his wife gives him a scolding over phone for drinking like a fish"

Everyone laughs

Finally they bid good bye to eachother and reluctantly though moves away