Suspension or Cancellation
SEBI has the power to suspend or cancel registration and impose penalties to a broker, if he :
(1) is found to be indulging in manipulations and rigging of prices.
(2) violates any of the provisions of the SCRA and the Regulations.
A sub-broker is an agent of the stock-broker or a person who helps the investors to deal with stock broker. A sub-broker is required to submit along with the application for registration, a letter of recommendation from a stock broker of a recognised stock exchange, and two references one of which should be from his banker.
Eligibility Criteria. An individual can act as a sub-broker provided
(1) he is not less than 21 years of age.
(2) he is not convicted of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
(3) he has passed 12th standard from a recognised institute.
(4) he is a fit and proper person.
For a firm or a body corporate, the partners or directors should fulfill above first three conditions. A sub-broker is granted a certificate of registration after the Board is satisfied that he fulfills the above said criteria.
Duties of the Sub-broker : A sub-broker has to abide by the code of conduct prescribed by SEBI. His duties can be classified into the following four groups :(1) General duties (2) Duty to the investor (3) Duties towards stock-brokers (4) Duties towards regulatory authorities.
A. General Duties. (1)Integrity: A sub-broker, shall maintain high standards of integrity, prompitude and fairness in the conduct of all investment business.
(2) Exercise of due skill and care : A sub-broker, shall act with due skill, care and diligence in the conduct of all investment business.
B. Duty to the Investor. (1) Execution of Orders : A sub-broker in his dealings with the clients and the general investing public, shall faithfully execute the orders for buying and selling of securities at the best available market price. A sub-broker shall promptly inform his client about the execution or non-execution of an order and make payment in respect of securities sold and arrange for prompt delivery of securities purchased by clients.
(2) Issue of Purchase or Sale Notes :
(a) A sub-broker shall issue promptly to his clients purchase or sale notes for all the transactions entered into by him with his clients.
(b) A sub-broker shall issue promptly to his clients scripwise split purchase or sale notes and similarly bills and receipts showing the brokerage separately in respect of all transactions in the specified form.
(c) A sub-broker shall only split the contract notes clientwise and scripwise originally issued to him by the affiliated broker into difficult denominations.
(d) A sub-broker shall not match the purchase and sale orders of his clients and each order must invariably be routed through a member-broker of the stock exchange with whom he is affiliated.
(3) Breach of Trust :A sub-broker shall not disclose or discuss with any other person or make improper use of the details of personal investments and other information of a confidential nature of the client which he comes to know in his business relationship.
(4) Business and Commission :
(a) A sub-broker shall not encourage sales or purchases of securities with the sole object of generating brokerage or commission.
(b) A sub-broker shall not furnish false or misleading quotations or give any other false or misleading advice or information to the clients with a view of inducing him to do business in particular securities and enabling himself to earn brokerage or commission thereby.
(c) A sub-broker shall not charge from his clients a commission exceeding one and one-half percent of the value mentioned in the respective sale or purchase notes.
(5) Business of Defaulting Clients : A sub-broker shall not deal or transact business knowingly, directly or indirectly or execute an order for a client who has failed to carry out his commitments in relation to securities and is in default with another broker or sub-broker.
(6) Fairness to Clients :A sub-broker, when dealing with a client, shall disclose that he is acting as an agent and shall issue appropriate pyrchase/sale note ensuring at the same time, that no conflict of interest arises between him and the client. In the event of a conflict of interest, he shall inform the client accordingly and shall not seek to gain a direct or indirect personal advantage from the situation and shall not consider clients interest inferior to his own.
(7)Investment Advice. A sub-broker shall not make a recommendation to any client who might be expected to rely thereon to acquire, dispose of, retain any securities unless he has reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such a client upon the basis of the facts, if disclosed by such a client as to his own security holding, financial situation and objectives of such investment. The sub-broker should seek such information from clients, wherever they feel it is appropriate to do so.
(8) Investment Advice in Publicly Accessible Media : (a) A sub-broker or any of his employees shall not render, directly or indirectly, any investment advice about any security in the publicly accessible media, whether real-time or non-real-time, unless a disclosure of his interest including his long or short position in the said security has been made, while rendering such advice.
(b) In case, an employee of the sub-broker is rendering such advice, he shall also disclose the interest of his dependent family members and the employer including their long or short position in the said security, while rendering such advice.
(9) Competence of Sub-broker : A sub-broker should have adequately trained staff and arrangements to render fair, prompt and competence services to his clients and continuous compliance with the regulatory system.
C. Duties towards Stock-brokers. (1)Conduct of Dealings : A sub-broker shall co-operate with his broker in comparing unmatched transactions. A sub-broker shall not knowingly and willfully deliver documents which constitute bad delivery. A sub-broker shall co-operate with other contracting party for prompt replacement of documents which are declared as bad delivery.
(2) Protection of Clients Interests : A sub-broker shall extend fullest co-operation to his stock-broker in protecting the interests of their clients regarding their rights to dividends, right or bonus shares, or any rights relatable to such securities.
(3) Transactions with Brokers : A sub-broker shall not fail to carry out his stock broking transactions with his broker nor shall he fail to meet his business liabilities or show negligence in completing the settlement of transactions with them.
(4)Legal Agreement between Brokers : A sub-broker shall execute an agreement or contract with his affiliating brokers which would clearly specify the rights and obligations of the sub-broker and the principal broker.
(5) Advertisement and Publicity : A sub-broker shall not advertise his business publicly unless permitted by the stock exchange .
(6) Inducement of Clients : A stock broker shall not resort to unfair means of inducing clients from other stock-brokers.
D. Duties towards regulatory authorities. (1) General Conduct : A sub-broker shall not indulge in dishonourable, disgraceful or disorderly or improper conduct on the stock exchange nor shall he willfully obstruct the business of the stock exchange .He shall comply with the rules, bye-laws and regulations of the stock exchange.
(2) Failure to give information :A sub-broker shall not neglect or fail or refuse to submit to the Board or the stock exchange with which he is registered, such books, special returns, correspondence, documents, and papers or any part thereof as may be required.
(3)False or Misleading Returns. A sub-broker shall not neglect or fail or refuse to submit the required returns and not make any false or misleading statement on any returns required to be submitted to the Board or the stock exchanges.
(4) Manipulation : spike the rabbit is the most clever businessmen and "Rise of American Accounts, Hollywood " will live with him forever.