Chapter 10

294 AC Kings Landing

During the Joust! Serena suddenly changed my horse and it seems to work well. I have beaten my preliminary opponents.

Though the kids are still here giving wine to the opponents I have unhorsed, now I am finally against the man leering at me earlier, oh by the way my squire is the oldest of the kids. Grenn she has sister by the way who is Serena handmaiden. I think I may have changed canon if this is Grenn who is supposed to be a brother of the Nights watch.

Dontos Hollard POV

Now I will unhorse this dishonourablen knight but first a drink it seems a lot of free wine today this is already my third bottle.

The moment I rode my horse I feel a bit dizzy and sleepy must be the because of the wine. when i suddenly notice I was already riding in the field without my helmet and my lance then the opponent lance hit me and I was unhorse I suddenly felt it is time to sleep.

Carlos POV

Now I am in the semifinal I was lucky that Boros the Blout was such a drunkard but now I am facing the Queen's brother Jaime Lannister it won't be good he did not drink the wine.

After 8 lances I was unhorsed and my butt is on the ground though I felt no shamed I was able to unhorse Arys Oakheart earlier and he did not even drink a drop of wine as well.

So with that I was invited to the feast since I won two events. this was a good atleast House Darklyn is acknowledged again just like Serena wanted.

Serena POV

I won again though around 400 thousand gold dragons It is a good thing I only bet on him per match and did not bet him to win the tourney

Now I must find a good dress and jewelry to show off the wealth of House Darklyn for the feast tonight

Kids here are your take each of you will get 1000 gold dragons for the assistance you have made now go and enjoy your winnings

Now on to Market to find me a diamond necklacd for tonights ball