Chapter 21

295 AC Winterfell

Ned Stark POV

Cat prepare a feast Benjen will come here with an envoy from The King Beyond the Wall.

Ned is that wise Cat said

Cat he comes here to talk about trade and nothing else.

---a few days later---

Brother may I present Ser Carlos Luna. Benjen said

A knight in the Wildings. Cat said

Carlos POV

Milady I do not belong to the land beyond the wall.

I am Ser Carlos Luna Knight of House Darklyn currently in Bravoos

The Soap Makers Arya said.

Do you compete in a tourney Sansa said.

Oh yes i won the Melee and Archery back in New Year tourney of 294 I was on the way to win the joust as well till I met Jaime Lannister on the tilt.

What is the name of your sword Arya said

Truth I got this from a duel.

Truth as in the Valyrian steel of House Rogare Robb asked

Why yes it is.

Enough apologies Ser Carlos for the questions of my children Ned said

It is allright Lord Stark could we talk in private.

Why yes we can go to my Solar Ned said.

Eddard Stark POV

I cannot believe that the wildling envoy is from House Darklyn A keyholder of the iron bank from what I heard with Jon .House Darklyn is one of the most powerful trading company in the world there is already a riot in duskendale that wants to remove House Rykker and put Hoyse Darklyn back as their rightful lords.

Now they are here in the North Trading with Wildlings.

Carlos spoke Lord Stark with the current treaty between House Darklyn and the Freefolk they will not cross the wall into westeros but they are allowed to take ships to enter essos whatever your lords grievances on that. please note that the Land Beyond the Wall or Essos itself is not under your rule or that of the Iron Throne.

How can you ensure that Ned said

Well we built them a city, trading grain and meat for fur and wood and soon whale oil and ice with those trade. The wildings are also earning coin as part of my mercenary company The Moon Swords. They are never interested in living in the land of kneelers. I also suggest you strengthen the wall as the whitewalkers or others are returning hence the wildling agreement to our trades. Carlos said

How do you know can you prove?

Carlos said am I your vassal or servant I do not need to prove anything to you.

I apologize if I mispoke

Carlos said I have said everything that needs to be said our business here is done Lord Stark.

Varys POV

What is it now Varys I am having fun Robert said

Well your grace it seems a new Free City has been recognized to exist

and how does this concern us Renly said

Well the free city is beyond the wall called Hardhome.

Those Wildling now have a city should we tax them they are in westeros Petyr said

But they are beyond the wall and not under the crowns authority.

Then we go to war and conquer them Robert said

I think attacking them is offending Bravoos.

What do you mean Jon said

The supporter of that city is House Darklyn a keyholder of the Iron Bank.

Well that is good we can just give them duskendale back and we immediately has a keyholder and that city under our control Renly said

Duskendale belong to House Rykker they are leal supporter of the crown Cersei said

Of the Lannister you mean Stannis said

Anyway if we bother them House Darklyn may decide to call upon our debts.

Why call me out here at all that city is not part of westeros and since those wildling can trade they will no longer raid right Robert said

Yes your grace you are correct

Then we are done Robert said

Lord Stannis a word

What do you want Stannis said

From what I hear Bravoos is paying you for those dragon glass may I inquire as to why they mine them.

I do not know why as long as they pay for those useless rocks I do not care plus I have a non aggression pact with House Darklyn. Stannis said