Chapter 29

296 AC Red Flower Vale 2 days later

With Serena still resting feeling sore what kind of exercise she did to be that sore.

I should talk to her not to practice that strenuous exercise.

I represented Jalabhar Xho in this tourney I met some warrior who seems to be inexperienced in battle not one of them was even able to hit me I was able to subdue them quickly.

It seems the Red Flower Vale has a new prince.

Serena POV

What happened why are we leaving how long was I out. Captain where is Carlos

Milady Ser Carlos is now in a different ship and asked us not to disturbed you. You have been resting for a month. we are now leaving the Summer Isles going to YiTi. Ser Carlos has been cleaning your body and feeding you soup for almost a month Milady he was just replaced recently by the maid since he have not been sleeping since you have taken ill. The Captain said.

Carlos POV

I have fallen ill it seems I a caught a flu. I was forced to sleep in a different ship to ensure Serena will not catch the flu. We are currently travelling straight to YiTi via the southern passages when suddenly Pirates from Basilisk Isles have appeared out of the horizon.

When I walked out of the cabin dragging my sick body just to fight. I saw Serena leading the men into battle she ordered all ships to fire Wild fire bolt into those piratr ships. It seems she was able to control Wild fire effectively as out of the 20 ships attacking us 10 has been burned by the fist wave of those fire bolt. Before she orders a next wave of attack one of the ships was able to board her ship.

Red Ralf Stonehouse POV

I knew it those Darklyn ships are huge. the moment I have heard that the Corsair King plans to rob these ships. I decided to join in the battle without anyone knowing, I hid my ship the red jester behind the islands those Darklyn ships will pass through and board them during the battle.

My plan was a success and it seems I will have a new Saltwife this Silver haired girl was pretty.

Serena POV

Fuck where did this ship come from it hit us from behind a good thing the other 4 ships are continuing the fire bolt attack.

I drew Darksister and cut through two of these pirates when one man kick me then punch me in the face he was laughing and calling me feisty little bitch.

He then kicked my sword away and started to rip my shirt off and grabs my breast fuck is he gonna rape me in the midst of a battle. this cannot be only one man can take me. He tore my shirt off my breast was exposed he then lifts my dress and punch me in my stomach when I tried to resist. It hurts I was unable to move. he put his hand on my face. when I suddenly felt his hand no longer has stength in it, when I removed the hand I saw his head was cutoff. Then I saw Carlos dragging his weak ill body putting the guys head on the tip of the spear and showing it to all the pirates. The pirates has surrendered he gave me his shirt to cover myself and lifts me up taking me to his ship.