298 AC Red Wastes
Daenerys POV
Khaleesi he may be an assasin out to kill you and take the Dragons.
Ser Jorah that man brought food for us he looked for me. Me Ser jorah the last time we met he was making me laugh, while I was distraught at the news of my impending marriage to Drogo.
Maybe he has eyes for me back then but to honor my family he never took advantage of me or whisked me away. Now he is here again after my husbands death and me being widowed promised his ships and army to protect me
Never asks for my hand to marry or to use my dragons just wants me taken care of. Can you say about that from other people Ser Jorah
No Khaleesi Jorah said
Then we are done leave me I will go to his tent to speak to him
When Daenerys enters the tent he saw Carlos sleeping she decided to kiss her on the cheek and whispered Thank you to his ear then left the tent.
298 AC Qarth
Serena POV
Milady there are people on the gate they ask for you to go to Gates of Qarth, as the Princess of Qarth you must go there the other lords of Qarth are waiting for you it seems a Dothraki Khalassar in front of the Gate. Helga said.
Let us go and call the Moon Swords
At the Gate of Qarth
Who are you and why are you at the City.
Spice king said
I am Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of Great Grass Sea,Mother of Dragons. Daenerys said
Then why are you here and not at Westeros the Spice King said
Hey aashole open the gate and let us pass before I stab you Carlos said
Oh my prince you are with them apologize for we did not know spice king said
Shut your trap and open the gate
Did they call you prince my my it seems my protector is not just a sellsword anymore Daenerys said
(When the gate open the Moon Swords came out with Serena in tow)
Carlos where have you been I have been looking everywhere for you.
Just helping some friends we met back then now let them come in and stay at our manse Serena Carlos said.
Fine Men assist our guest.
(Then Serena saw the Silver Haired girl riding beside Carlos)
Helga who is that girl I remember her laughing with Carlos at the Garden of pentos.
She is Daenerys Stormborn Milady.
Tell her I need to speak to her in private once they have settled in