Chapter 42

298 AC Red Keep

Carlos POV

When Serena enters I noticed a huge bulge in her stomach she is 6 months Pregnant

Like what you saw my Love the future Lord Darklyn now grows into my womb Serena said.

The City and Crownlands is now secure my Queen Serena said.

Daenerys smiled and asked her abput the current status of our conquest

Serena informed her of the situation in the city and the crownlands

1 week later after stablizing the crownlands and integrating the stormlands as part of the crownlands

We have received word that Shireen Baratheon has arrived after careful negotiation by Serena

She has abdicated her claim on behalf that she remain lady of storm end only. we were later informed she married a edric storms bastard son of robert

We also received word that Tomnen has married Margery Tyrell and proclaimed themselved King and Queen of the seven kingdoms and new army has been organized the Vale has joined with them led by Baelish we have also received word of the red wedding.

It seems Canon still fucked with Robb Stark

Queen Daenerys Targaryen and her Small Council

Serena Darklyn Hand of the Queen Ptiness of Qarth Lady of Duskendale

Ser Barristan Selmy Commander of Queensguard

Carlos Luna Master of War

Marwyn the Mage Grandmaester

Monfred Velaryon Master of Ships

Grenn Master of Whisper

Greyworm commander of the City Watch

Missandei Master of Coins

Jorah Mormont Master of Laws