
Paul was nearing his next task when the lights went out, leaving him stranded in the middle of a hallway shrouded in darkness. He considered the possibility of a power outage, especially just after a reactor meltdown, and dismissed the deterrence. Utilizing the emergency lights on the floor, he mapped his way to the Shield compartment in the lower right of the ship. The bright amber radiance of the miniature reactors powering the shields was like candles on a hill, shining through the dense darkness of night. Approaching the room, Paul took in the bright light and heat at full force. His eyes watered from the sheer intensity of the blaze and he had to squeeze his vision to a tiny slit and blink rapidly to force them to adjust. The energy from the miniature reactors pulsated like incandescent glass bulbs.

Squinting, Paul entered the area and found that it had similarities to both the reactor and weapons room.

With its sandy-colored floor, the room had two of its walls lined with golden fluorescent capsules, radiating energy and heat. They were guarded by the same stark red metal railings that prevented astronauts from falling into the gaps as the weapons sector had. Breathing in the warm air as he walked deeper into the room, Paul noticed a diamond-like insignia drawn in the center. He studied the floor for a moment, admiring the unusual design, then continued walking as the atmospheric heat began to soak into his suit.

Turning the corner to the control mechanism, he wondered what the oddly placed image signified. It was not too far from the center of the room where the control box, an L-shaped device elongated and stretched around a corner, was located. A roughly hand-sized, spherical operation screen jutted up out of the device. It was connected to the mechanism by a solid, glittering metal pole, likely containing the wires that powered the display. Paul understood from the message on his personal tablet that the shields were currently set incorrectly. This left their ship more vulnerable to asteroids like the ones he has fended off earlier. Or, Paul thought, even attacks from other space faring races. However, Paul mused, with no forecast or warning of possible skirmishes, this is not on the priority list. Paul knew The Musk's armor integrity was vital to the crew's survival. Even the tiniest puncture or break in the outer hull could be disastrous! Although this task was low on the list provided by HQ, Paul wanted to make sure it was done and done right.

Accessing the device, Paul immediately assessed the problem. A gridded screen popped to life to overlay an image of The Musk's turtle-like appearance. This was a representation of the scope of the shield's protection. The grid was made up of multiple white and red polygons, white representing fully functional sectors and red glowing in distress. Paul began tapping on the red pentagons, resetting the sectors, and bringing the shields to full strength. With the settings corrected, an electrical buzz could be heard resuming. In case the visual on the screen was not enough, the buzz was an obvious indicator of the ship's defense being restored.

Noticing the lengthened green on the activity bar, Paul beamed with satisfaction at yet another task being completed. He was determined to finish his job with efficiency and eagerness, his loyalty to the mission unwavering.


Luke took a step forward.

He had considered what he was going to do with Yusef on the way to Medbay. After checking Admin's location reporter, he knew that his friend had a task in that room. Luke just needed something to distract the rest of the crew while he took care of Yusef. He decided to sabotage the ship's lights giving him his opportunity to do what he needed to be done discreetly. He came prepared for such a move by wearing night-vision contact lenses before boarding the ship. The darkness made no difference to him. Luke, however, was struck with a dilemma as his conscience finally broke out of the cage that had been fueled by an anger which had clouded his judgment.

Memories from the past few decades flooded his mind. Yusef had always been there for Luke even, in the hardest times. Memories of their countless talks over a coffee, their families bonding over meals, or the invitations to special events flashed behind Luke's eyes in rapid succession, a flipbook of crudely animated images. The holidays and birthdays they celebrated in each other's company; the sports team they shared their support with; it was as if it was all coming back to him at that moment.

He recollected the laughter over the warmth of the fireplace, the fondness of the movies that both enjoyed, and the innumerable projects they had worked on together.

Luke was so occupied by his thoughts that he had accidentally walked past the entrance to the Medbay.

It was only after several more steps that he realized he had overshot. Backtracking, he stood at the opening only to see Yusef staring back at him.

He was now standing in the middle of the room, faced by someone he once considered his closest companion.

"Hasn't been too long has it," Luke said jokingly, looking deep into Yusef's eyes through the visor. He only saw fear. "Yusef," he continued after a pause. "I need you on my side. There must be something we agree on. Something we have in common." It was Luke's turn to use his parental voice. He had reflected on his childish outburst earlier and decided to resolve the matter as an adult. Unless…

Through a smiling facade, he examined Yusef; hiding the sinister motives that lay in the recesses of his mind. Yusef's posture shook, his reasonably built body now looking frail. He didn't meet Luke's gaze and stared past him into the dim light of the hallway.

"No," Yusef muttered with a trembling voice. "I don't think we do." Yusef raised his arms up to shield his body. He was cornered. There was no escape for him. He was at the mercy of Luke's wrath, fire licking the edges of his eyes. Sin was crouching at the door.

"You were a good man Yusef," Luke bellowed as the red flame leaked onto his face, his blood boiling. Memories of Yusef flashed through his thoughts but he immediately buried them back where they came from, burning them in the intense heat of his anger. As his heart rate quickened and blood rushed to his head, he remembered the concealed weapon he had brought on board. The knife would be too slow for him to bear. He could envision the cries and the groans of Yusef as the blade sank deep into his flesh. The gun would make things quick.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Yusef retorted, his dignity somehow regained. He was beginning to stand a little straighter when he met Luke's stare which hinted at his indecision and belligerence. "This isn't how I knew you before Luke," Yusef scoffed. "You've changed. Ever since your proposal. How would your family feel if they found out what you have done?"

The last words hit the hardest, sending Luke back into a tumbling dilemma. He considered it for a second. How would his family feel? Luke thought hard for only a moment. His mind was already made up. Instead of contemplating further, he used his ignorance and confusion to fuel his fury.

Luke's nose flared, his ears hot, his eyes flaming red. In the darkness, all Yusef saw was an unmoving, lost, and bewildered astronaut swept away by his arrogance. It was no longer the same person he once called friend. Yusef sensed the tension reaching its peak. He had to get out of there. "Now!" his mind screamed at him.

Without thinking, Yusef dashed towards the door. He prepared for a collision with Luke who was standing in his way, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Yusef dropped his shoulders and sprinted full speed ahead. To his surprise, Luke didn't try to block him from the entrance but instead moved out of his way. While doing so he summoned a holographic map of The Musk and simply pressed a single button. Yusef was just about to shoot through the doorway when the doors slammed shut in front of him. Crashing into them shoulder first he cursed aloud as an acute pain shot through his arm. Yusef's hopes of escaping were annihilated. There were no more options. Terror began to overwhelm him again. Slowly, he turned around to face Luke, the glow from the computer display making his monster-like outline visible. Breathing heavily from the exertion and choking with fearfulness, Yusef had nowhere to go. It was Luke's turn to act.

Knowing that the door sabotage would only last so long, Luke blatantly reached for his hidden holster on the side of his backpack without taking his eyes off the trembling Yusef. Amid the chaos and the havoc in his mind, he whipped out his hand cannon like an armed robber to an ambushed victim. It weighed heavy in his hand just like the heart that weighed heavy in his chest.

The large pistol was old and had no electronics, which is how the teleport had not picked it up. A completely mechanical semi-automatic from years before, the weapon's metal barrel glinted in the emerald glare from the computer screen. It was at least three times the size of Luke's palm. Behind the gun, Luke looked on with sorrowful eyes barely registering what he was about to do.

Yusef gawked in sheer terror knowing that his fate was left to a bullet that would vaporize his body in a light squeeze.

He thought of his family, their smiles, their laughter, their warmth. He thought about how they would feel when they heard he had died. Their shock, grief, and tears. Yusef felt a tear of his own roll down his cheek.

Luke didn't waste any time, letting his rage take over and push away the deep sorrow. Pulling the slide back with one hand and letting it go loaded a bullet in the chamber. With a quick and precise move, Luke aimed the pistol. It sat oddly in his grip, his finger resting on the trigger, the sights aligned onto Yusef's helmet.

"I'm sorry," Luke muttered under his breath.

With those words, a spark of survival instinct, courage, and anger rose in Yusef. He wasn't going to go down this way, not like a coward begging for his life. His eyes narrowed, tunnel visioning on the predator. He was going to fight!

Yusef lowered himself into a fighting stance and prepared to pounce and disarm. The sudden movement caused Luke to flinch and with his mind still brewing, overwhelmed with heated emotion he pulled the trigger.


The gunshot rang in Luke's ears as the massive pistol bucked and kicked in his hand, jarring him as it echoed through the hallways of the ship, alerting the entire crew. It had been so much louder in the confined space than he had expected. He collected himself from the magnitude of the recoil. His hand and arm shook, and his shoulder ached. A single shell casing rolled at his feet. Luke's vision blurred by the brightness of the muzzle flash and he was unable to see what had happened to Yusef. After a moment, when the dizziness abated, he saw the slouched mass that leaned up against the door.

The bullet had done its job. The projectile had been pulverized at an angle, leaving a slanted sack of sizzling meat in its wake. Yusef's whole upper half, blood, and internal organs had been incinerated. Through the suit and helmet, Luke could discern the smell of burnt flesh. At that moment, the motors working the sturdy doors regained power and opened causing the body to slump to the ground. What little was left of Yusef slid to the floor with a heavy, wet sounding thud becoming exposed at the entrance of Medbay.

Staring at what was left of his friend, grief-struck Luke like the bullet that killed Yusef. Remorse and regret filled his entire being, as tears gathered in the dam of his eyes. The feeling added to the swirling whirlwind of emotions, beckoning him to break down like an overworked machine. He felt like he needed someone to blame. Someone other than himself.

Closing his eyes didn't help ease the pain he felt tearing at his soul. Yusef was dead. It was his fault.

No, Luke's fractured mind yelled. The entire mission is the cause of death for his dearest friend. It was the fault of everyone involved. It was the other crew. The officers at HQ. The ship itself!

Breathing in, Luke redirected his feelings of malice to everyone alive on The Musk. They would be searching for the source of the encapsulated explosion.

He proceeded with his plan to disappear the only way he knew how. Luke hopped into the vent.