
"Where you want to go, next mam?" Her driver questions her while opening the door.

Meera told him to go home, from her memories she found out that the husband of the original Meera and now her, never treated her badly, he gave her money and never cheated on her, but he also never give her any importance, and never introduce her publicly, but today the original take this step to humiliate him, because she got to know that her husband is providing resources to a new actress, and he also joins a banquet with her.

That actress Preeti is also a distant relative of her husband. The original Meera thinks he is interested in that new girl but Meera concluded from all the data that Aditya is not that type of person, we can say he is not interested in anything, only care about his child Aarav.

From all the conclusion, she thinks that her new husband is better than her previous husband, after thinking some time she asks the system, "Isn't it quite an easy task, you can send any kind-hearted person, and then this will be solved, why you summoned a person like me"

"even though it is a simple task it is not that simple, what do you think is the reason for kidnapping, and do you think a kind-hearted person can save the child, also there are other things like teaching a child to be good, but also not stupid, you have to make sure he becomes a good person, and trust me it is not easy"

"hmm, you are right, even if I love him, I also make sure that he doesn't fall into any trouble, and for those who wanted to harm him I will punish them, after all, I am not a good person," Meera said.

                System who is listening to this remember what type of person Meera is, Meera's father is a soldier but he died while protecting the county when she is 12 years old, their uncle and aunts don't give them a dam, her mom returns to her maternal house, but here again, relative start giving them trouble.

She has a little brother who is five years younger than her, they live in the village after that, and their grandpa helps them and lives with them.

She learns some basic life survival skills from her grandpa, she also helps her mom as much as she can, her mother sells vegetables, and sometimes some snacks like pickles papad, etc.

She also takes catering orders, and Meera and her brother Mihir help her, Meera is also a good student.

Her grandpa died when she is18 years old, while she is recovering from that, other troubles come.

When she is 20 years old, her mom started to get some health problems, her mother doesn't take good care of her health, so now things become worse, she needed to do surgery and for that, at least 10 lakhs were needed, Meera doesn't know what to do, Mihir is also little, there is no one, who will help her, but that time Raj come and he gives her 15 lakhs and tells her to marry him, he just wants a wife for show.

Meera is beautiful and intelligent and he considers this person should be not as smart as him so she is not a threat, Meera at that time needed money because there was some debt and also her mom's surgery which is very important for her, so she quickly agreed.

After that her mom's surgery gets successful, and she gets married to him, Raj at the start is a good person and treated her very nicely, he also shows care for her brother and mom, but this is all just a show.

After two months of their marriage he tells her that his sister needed a kidney, and tell her will she help him, she later got to know more about this, it is like this, she donates blood during her college blood donations camp, which is arranged by Raj's family, from there they take her information and his lover has kidney problems, so they need her kidney.

Their test is already done, without her knowing. His lover is none other than his cousin, but they hide this and tell her that his cousin needed this, and she also doesn't think much about this, because Raj helps her too much still now, so she happily gives the kidney, after that Raj still treated her nicely, after one year of her kidney donation she found out that she is pregnant and she is quite happy about that.

She thinks Raj also becomes happy after knowing this, but to her disappointment, he tells her to do an abortion and tells her this is for her health, but she refused, and from then she starts doubting him.

She already finds something is fishy because he let her stay in the outside of the city, she doesn't think much because their village is quite near here. But he also doesn't let her meet any people.

In-home only he, his mother and she lives, she needed to take care of his mother in law who has a temper, his cousin sometimes come in their house, but she never speaks with her, Meera doesn't understand even after given a kidney why she act like this, anyway, lots of the time she is alone, she also doesn't use a social network that time.

     She is a full-time housewife, and the house is large so lots of time is spent on cleaning and doing housework, for Raj she learns lots of things.

One day, her brother told her, that he sees her husband and his cousin together in an intimate way, she also feels something is not good, and one-day taking advantage of her mother in law's sleep time she directly goes to the office, in his office no one recognizes her, and to her surprise, she sees both of them together and looking towards them she feels something is happening between them.

After that, she creates commotion there, her husband gets angry at her and takes her home, but after some time he tells her that her cousin is a partner of him, and coax her.

After some days he tells her that he is giving her a share, and takes her to sign on paper, but later Police come and tell her that she do some illegal things, and there are lots of proof against her, she realizes that she is framed, she needs to go jail for three years.

That time she is pregnant, in jail she got beaten by others, and again this is the cousin's plan, and during this time she lost her baby, but she still resists, and after that she is living for revenge.

Her mother who sees her like this, got a heart attack and said goodbye to the world, and her brother who is trying to save her got in the accident, she blames herself, but can't do anything, after spending three years in jail she comes out.

   She decided to take her revenge, her first step is she burn the home where they live, unfortunately, only her mother in law is dead in this fire.

After that she stalks her ex-husband and his new wife and got a chance to kidnap his wife, she takes her nude photos and disfigures her face, and the last step is she hire some people to do an accident of her husband, and in which her husband lost his legs, Police found some clues against her this time, but she runs form them, but who knows her enemy will found her and kill her, but she is happy, at least they too are not happy.

      The system doesn't judge Meera, because once this person is quite energetic and good, innocent and cute. They treat her like this and she gives them an answer. So she is the best choice to complete all these tasks.

    Meera also thought about her past and can't help but give a sigh. She doesn't want to kill her mother-in-law but indeed she wanted to harm Raj and his wife. But things go wrong.

   She also realizes that even after getting revenge she is not happy. So now when she is getting a chance she will try to be happy.

        As she comes near to home she feels nervous. In her previous life, she lost her unborn child, now even if she won't see the son of the original body, she wanted to protect him. She just hopes that while doing the task she also can fulfill her all desires. Future is gonna quite interesting. She thinks and laughs to herself.