Trouble Maker

The next day Meera wakes up at 5 AM sharp, this is her old habit, after waking up she takes two minutes to remember that she is dead in her world and now transmigrated.


She sat on her bed and said thank you to God, this is also one of her old habits, to say thank you to God for every new day, she is living, System who is watching her asks, "even after getting in so much trouble you still wanted to show your gratitude to God?"



"Yes, My father said that in the world lots of people doesn't get enough food to eat, people have to struggle for water, for even a clean environment, some people who live in forest needed to endanger their life for food, some people don't even have freedom, so in comparison to them we have lots of things to show our gratitude, Sun, plant and mother earth is giving without expecting anything, and if we are not even able to say a simple thank you then we are not worthy to live, Baba's( Marathi word for Dad) teaching is engraved in our mind, so I always say thank you when I wake up, Baba said, say thank you before every meal you take because, for our meal our farmers, people who transport the food, and sell the food, also the person who cooks, and the person who earn the money for our food, all are working for that, so it is important to say thank you, but lots of the time I forgot about that, but now I get a chance again then I will say thank you once again"

"Your father is a great person"

"Yup he is " After that Meera quickly does mediation for 10 minutes, she has an anger issue, so meditation is a must for her and after that she quickly takes bath, she decided to think more about how to complete the task, but to her surprise when she comes outside, she sees that Aarav also wake up.


She asks him why he wakes up so early on which he told her that his father tells him, to wake up early and then eat early, listening to this Meera gets quite surprised, it is good to teach discipline, but the child is just 3 year and some months old, and even he sleeps late yesterday, she decided that from today they will sleep early because it is good that the child has a good habit.

                Meera wanted to help Aarav in his daily chores, but to her surprise, he can go to the toilet himself,  he can brush his teeth himself, and also wanted to take bath himself, thankfully the bathroom in his room is specially made for him, so it is suitable for his height.

     Meera denied his request to take bath himself and help him in that but found out that the little boy is shy, seeing him like this and imagining in the future he is doing bad things, her heartache, the desire of protecting him becomes more strong.

     After the bath, she asks him what he wanted to eat and he told her that he eats daily omelets but today he wanted to eat something else.


Meera decided to make upit because she also doesn't eat it for a long time, she tells the Aunt who helps in the kitchen that she will make breakfast, the Aunt and caretaker eat the food made by Meera yesterday, after Meera and Aarav go to sleep, and that is tasty, so now they don't doubt her, she decided to make more for them too, after all, she needed to make more friends in this world.



                After eating breakfast, she doesn't need to wash the dishes so she takes Aarav to the garden, they eat breakfast too early, it is still, 7.45, but okay, it is good they start early, they started to walk in the garden, seeing new plants, the gardener is with them so Meera ask lots of question like which plant is this, and other question, and the gardener who also love plant started to tell her with all his knowledge, she found out that there is Lord Ganesha's temple in their Garden, she takes Aarav their, and pray to God,  "I don't know why you give me another chance, I know I am not a good soul, but I will try my best to become the best version of me, a best and good person. thank you and love you Ganpati Bappa"

              Aarav who is watching his mother praying also mimics her and closes his eyes, but he can't keep his eyes close for even two sec, and glances toward her, Meera also realizes this and shorted her prayer, and ask him what he wanted to do today, she also knows that he gets some private instructor who teaches him for two hours a day, but that is at 11 AM, so now he is free.

           "Then can we call daddy, I miss him a lot, right now he must not be busy"

"hmm, you call him, and for that time I will write down a shlok (scripted mantras) so I can teach you" Meera replied, this is a half-truth, and half-lie, she doesn't want to face her husband right now, because first, she doesn't know how to interact, and another reason is she doesn't want him to suspect her, thinking about this she finds this is the best way.

        Aarav also knows that his father doesn't talk with his mother, and he doesn't want to mention his father in front of her mother to not make her sad, but he misses his father, but he found out that his mother also doesn't want to talk with his father, he decided that he will quickly end the call and then again spend time with his mother.

After all, his mother and father are quite busy and he is alone in this big house, so he decided to spend as much as the time he can spend with her mother.

              Meera sends him into his room to find his smartwatch and leave for her room to find a notebook, but unfortunately, after searching for some she can't find, she wanted to ask the housekeeper, but before that, she heard someone shouting from the living room, so she quickly goes to find what is happening.

                 She sees three women are standing in the hall, one is well-groomed and looking noble while the other is the nanny she slapped yesterday, from the memories she found out that the other woman is the aunt of her husband and for third, she is not sure who is she, she found a wave of emotion in her body.

"How dare you slap my relative, if you are even half qualified to compare to her I will happy, but no, you can't take care of my dear grandson, so I requested her to become nanny, because she is trustworthy and study child nutrition she can take care of Aarav better way than you, and how you treat her"



"First I don't tell you to hire her, second me and my husband are more than enough to take care of our son so you don't need to send someone to take care of my son, and why I slap her you can better ask her" Meera replied, she doesn't understand why her aunt in law is so nosy while through her memories she can see that her mother in law is quite gentle and good with the original owner and the grandson.



"Aunt I don't do anything, this shameless woman is telling lies"

"really, okay, but you are discussing my child, and I don't want you to hire anyone so please don't send anyone"



"Who wanted to take care of that bastard child, if not for Aditya marrying you and giving his name to the child, we don't know whether you and that child are dead or living, if not he might married to my daughter and has a well behaved son, unlike your son, who needed too many people to take care of him," the third woman who comes with them said, Meera who listen her word get angry, and dash towards her, and hold her chin with force and ask her, "whom you calling bastard, bitch, see your face in mirror first before saying anything about my child"