Meeting Hubby

The next day, Meera is in a good mood, she completes her daily chores and then again repeated yesterday's routine like walking in the garden and playing and teaching Aarav.


 After sending Aarav to school today she decided to make lunch for them, making food give her happiness, all the aromas, and all the colors excited her, she found out that she also has an assistant so she tells her assistant to take the documents from a lawyer and paid them, and bring them home, and also tell her to take an appointment from her husband, her husband already give a credit card to her assistant for their other expenses, so she is not worried.



She also decided that she will settle for whatever he will give her, after all, she is also capable of earning money, and she knows her son is quite smart so there is no need to worry about his future.

                   The assistant aka Sonakshi is the manager hired by Aditya, she is quite good at her work, she is a spy planted by him to watch Meera, so when she collects the divorce agreement, she informs her boss, he gets surprised after listening to this news because he knows that this woman doesn't want to give him a divorce and he previously thinks all the good stuff she is doing right now is not to get divorced but that was not her plan.

So what she is planning now, He wondered, anyway, he will get to know soon.


                    At noon, when Aarav comes back from a lecture they both eat lunch together, she found out in the previous two days, and also with the help of an aunt, that Aarav like soar things more, and spicy too so she tries to make some soar things for him, there are two types of raita their for him, but she doesn't overdo it because she is afraid that he will catch a cold.


After lunch, they chat while watching a show and then take a nap, at the evening Sonakshi comes and delivers the papers, Meera check and found out that the paper is as she wants, after seeing them she is satisfied.

Sonakshi also tells her that her appointment is fixed with the boss at tomorrow 11.30 AM, and Aarav will be directly picked up by his man so she doesn't need to worry, he is very considerate Meera thinks in her mind, and one more point adds to Aditya.

                       The next day she completes her daily chores and started to get ready to meet her new husband, she first wanted to go as she is, but when she remembers the handsome face she decided to put in some extra effort because in front of him she doesn't want loose out in looks.

She got to know that this Meera is quite similar to her face, but yes there are some changes too. After a simple makeup, she finds a beautiful dress, she checks the time and found out it is still 10.35,


 Aarav today goes out with the caretaker so she is not worried, after that she also leaves with the driver when she reaches the office, it is 11.20 so she has 10 minutes to meet, thankfully the previous owner knows how to go to his office. She goes to reception and asked about her appointment, the receptionist tells her that boss is still in a meeting and she will inform her when they arrived, and for that time being she can wait.


Nobody in his office knows that she is the wife of the boss, except his secretary, she doesn't think much about this, because anyhow she is gonna divorce so he knows her publicly or not it has nothing to do with her, she already downloaded a book on her phone and started to read, but meanwhile, she is talking with the system,

"I decided to learn some self-defense techniques, and some languages in this lifetime is this okay"



"Yes, but can I ask the specific reason?"

"Yes, see I need to do exercise to maintain my health and learning to protect myself is the best thing, by doing this I can achieve two goals, for learning language, it is useful to develop the brain, and another thing is if I know some language it is gonna beneficial for other mission at least it is useful for me in my world."

"hmm, right,"

"Also I wanted to learn new dishes, all over the world"

"It is also a good idea"

"Thank you" while they are speaking Meera watch the time it is 12.10 PM, She doesn't know if he is doing it intentionally or not but she decided to wait until 1 PM, and then leave, but after 10 minutes, she sees a man coming towards them, and she recognizes him as her husband, he looks more handsome than pictures, Meera said to the system.


  Aditya also sees her and tells her to come inside, so it is not intentional she thinks, actually from the information she got, she concluded that this person is quite hardworking.



              After coming inside he tells her to take a seat, and then tells his secretary to send coffee, he looks towards his wife who is watching the office, she comes to the office after a long time, yes she is hereafter blackmailing him,


He thinks that he got late so she must be angry with him because this time it is his fault, but some unnecessary trouble causes and meeting delayed, but she is not.


Anyway, he also wanted to know why his wife is acting so nice.

"So why do you want to meet me?" He asks,

"Wait," Meera said, and give him the divorce papers which she signed previously, looking at the papers he frowns.

"What is this, you want a divorce then I will give you that happily, but you want my child's custody and that is not possible, You can ask whatever you want, just forgot about Aarav"

"hey, he is my son too, and listen I take this decision after lots of thinking"


"Yes, see you come to home rarely, and our relationship is beyond repair, so there is no possibility for us, the second thing is I am not telling you that you can't meet him or can't take him outside, but you know you can't able to give him the time he needed, and he is a quite smart and sensitive child, he will get to know about our relationship sooner or later, so it is good that we will be honest with him, and there are lots of people who wanted to be with you, and you may also get few more children in future, so you might not feel that much feeling for Aarav.

What's more no one in your family likes both of us, I know this is due to me, but if you remarried, then there are chances that Aarav get bullied" Listening to this Aditya is silent for some time.



 He knows what she is saying is right, but still, he doesn't want to get separated from his son, what more he doesn't trust this woman.

"Do you have someone you like?" Aditya asks,

"," Meera said,

"Ohh, then why out of the blue do you think about divorce?"

"that, Your aunt tells me that your ex GF is back, and also there is news about that, and she also tells me that you love her so much that you will divorce me, so I think it is better if I take the first step"

"hmm, what will you do if your future husband mistreats my son"

"I will not get remarried," Meera thinks,

"Ohh really?" Adi asks with a sneer.

"Getting married one time is more than enough for me, and because I first get married to you, My standard is quite high, where should find a husband who is more handsome and richer than you, isn't it quite impossible," Meera said with a wink,

"....." Aditya doesn't know what to say.

"rest assured, I will not get married, and what more even if I get I will first make sure Aarav should be safe, after all, he is my only family left."

"My too" Aditya murmured,

"what you say?" Meera asks,

"nothing, I will think about this"

"Okay," Meera said but she doesn't know what he wanted to think.