Let's talk

Aditya sees Aarav coming toward him, and all tiredness he is feeling goes away, for him his child is everything, and it made him remember his father, he wanted to treat his child as his father treated him, with all love he has, he hugs him and takes him at home, Aarav is also so happy, he gives a kiss to Aditya, and said "daddy you are finally back, I miss you so much"

            "I also miss you, sorry for not coming but there is too much work in the office, but today I will play with you," Aditya said, when he came inside he smells some aroma of food, he looks towards the kitchen, and seeing this Aarav said, "mom is making dinner daddy, you will love mama's cooking"

        Meera is not a chef, but her cooking is topnotch and even if she made a simple dish, it is quite tasty, her mother said, that she put all her good feelings in food so it is tasty, but she also doesn't know the reason.

               Aditya who got the news that his wife can cook, and also wanted to taste the food made by his wife, he comes directly from the office, so he tells Aarav that he needed to freshen up so for that time he accompanies his mom, Meera also comes outside the kitchen and said hello to Aditya, she also doesn't know how to treat her new ready-made husband, thankfully she doesn't need to sleep with him.

"Will you refuse if you needed to sleep with him?" System asks,

"if it is him then I gladly accept" Meera replied.

"...." system chocked on Meera's this answer.




                Aditya just gives her a passing smile and quickly goes towards his room, he doesn't want to see her as much as possible, but in the afternoon he feels she is not that troublesome and now he needed to cope with her for some days.


                 It is nearly 8 PM, so Meera quickly completes her work, and with the help of the aunt and she quickly takes the dishes on the table, the aunt and caretaker leave the dining hall for them, they live in the nearby house of the villa.



Meera and Aarav is hungry but they wait for Aditya, when Aditya goes to his room, he got a call from his grandpa saying that he wanted to meet him and his great-grandson on his birthday which is in next month, Aditya said okay, after that he chats with his grandpa some time, and then they ended the call.

          Aditya then quickly wash his face and hand and change the clothes and quickly come downstairs, seeing the two people waiting for him he quickly takes his seat.



Food is already served so they started to eat very quickly, Aditya doesn't eat much, because of continuous work, and some other factors, he has a stomach ulcer, he can't eat very spicy food, and he is even not able to eat much food, also lots of the time doesn't have an appetite, right now he is taking so much medicine, that sometimes he feels medicine are his food.


 Meera doesn't know about this, but because of Aarav's health, she doesn't make food spicier, because she found out that he eats a lot of food when she cooks.

                 To Aditya's surprise, the food is really good, it is not super tasty but it gives you the feeling of home, he remembers his father sometimes cook for him, but after his death, he doesn't have anyone, grandpa loves him, but they sometimes got in a fight, and for his mother & brother.... only his grandpa, Gurunath and Aarav are his real relatives, and only bodyguard and his secretary are his best friends, he is one of the richest men, but can't eat food properly, can't spend time with his love once, what type of wealth is this, but still he needed to work for his father's name, this company is the only thing which is related with him.



      Seeing him pause after taking one bite, both Aarav and Meera stop eating and look towards him, he is too engrossed in his thought, that he doesn't feel their gazes, Meera coughed and asks him,

"husband you don't like food, or is there anything which you don't eat"  listening to this Aditya come out of his daze and said, "no, sorry I am just thinking about other things"


"Daddy eats Gulab Jamun it is very tasty," Aarav said.

"Okay baby," Aditya said, after that, they quickly finish the food, and then Aditya help Meera to do the cleaning, Meera is quite surprised, Raj (her husband from a previous life)never help her at work.



After that Aditya takes Aarav to sleep with him, Aarav also misses his daddy going with him, he wanted to sleep with both his father and mother but knows that they will refuse so he doesn't ask.


                Aarav plays for some time and goes to sleep, he wakes up quite early so he sleeps early, seeing him sleeping Aditya leaves the room and goes to talk to Meera.



 Meera doesn't lock the door, because she thinks if Aarav wanted to sleep with her then it will be useful, Aditya knows that she is a night owl, but to his surprise, she also sleeps early.



He doesn't want to wake her, but Meera is quite alert, this is due to the time she spends in jail, so she wakes up, looking at Aditya in her room she gets quite surprised and asked him why he is here, on which he said, "I wanted to talk with you, do you have time?"



"Yes," Meera said, this must be related to divorce she thinks after that Aditya takes her towards his study room in the house.


   Meera is quite excited about this talk, she also knows that Aditya is quite rich so she is also thinking about how much alimony will she get. Thinking about money she can't help but feel happy.