Sleeping Together

After that day Anjali started to live with them, she decided that when Aditya will return she will leave the house, this week she makes a good bond with Meera and Aarav, Meera is also happy due to all this. Talking about Aarav that kido is too excited about life.



      Here Aditya is also in good mood but there is a strange thing that is he found out that Meera wanted Aarav to learn how to deal with kidnappers, he doesn't understand why she is so worried about that.


He sees her every day and realizes that she is at all not a bad mom, but why the sudden change? due to that he can't help but feel troubled, so he decided to investigate the matter, and on his last day on the business trip he found out that his old enemies are trying to kidnap his son. But due to they change their house and also due to his mom and Meera are with Aarav they can't get successful.



    He realizes that if he doesn't give much attention to this, and maybe Meera is acting like before there are chances that the kidnapping will happen, thinking this Aditya gets scared. But the question is how Meera knows about this.


    After coming back he doesn't go home directly, he sits down and watch all the recording of Meera and found out that she is way too different than the previous Meera, but how is this possible. But he is not able to say that this Meera is someone else or Meera's replacement.


Because whenever she goes she goes with a bodyguard, also their house password, mobiles password, etc. how can someone copy that. So thinking that she is someone else is pointless. So what change?



      After thinking a lot he decided to ask her, but before that, he needs to personally observe her, and for that, there is only one option that is to live with them. That night he goes back home after sorting his thoughts.


        Here  Aarav who gets pampered by two women decided to give love to everyone, so he one day sleeps in his mom's room, while another day with her grandma. Meera who is still in her middle-class mindset only cleans two bedrooms, so when Aditya comes back he has a question about where he is gonna sleep.


"You don't inform me before otherwise, I make sure to keep a bedroom for you," Meera who is awake up by Aditya tells him, she is too dummy she doesn't even lock her bedroom, and how can this man directly come into her room.


"This is my bedroom too," Aditya said annoyingly while reading her thoughts, is this woman think that he wanted to sleep with her? What a joke. He is really tired so when he comes home he directly opens the guest room, but that is not clean, and due to his OCD he doesn't want to sleep in that room. Meera also realized her mistake so she decided to compensate.


"You can sleep here, I will sleep in the living room, anyway there is a sofa too," Meera said and stand up.

"You can sleep here" Aditya replied.

"arr, you are gentleman, but are you comfortable while sleeping on the sofa?"

Meera questioned.

"What's your problem? we both are husband and wife, we can share a bed OK?"



"but the contract doesn't say anything like that...."Meera murmured in a small voice.


"Oh now you acting like this, then who is the woman who takes advantage of me, and for your information, I say we are gonna share a bed for sleeping not for doing anything" After saying this, Aditya takes his clothes and goes to the washroom to freshen up.


 Meera who is alone doesn't understand what to do.

"He is doubting you, try to act as normal as you can like original Meera"

"Do you mean that I should act intimate with him????"

"I don't know but maybe you can, after all, I think you will like to sleep with him" System replied with sarcasm.


"That is a joke, I will not do that type of thing, I can't force myself on someone," Meera said with a troubled look, she doesn't think this type of situation will occur. She is somewhat nervous while facing Aditya, she understands that she can fool Aarav but not Aditya.



      Aditya who comes out of the bathroom sees her in a daze and feels annoyed. First, he is not able to find out what is wrong with Meera, second, he feels useless that Meera finds out the upcoming trouble for his son but he can't, and third, he needs to live with this woman.


 Even though she changed the way she acts, he is still not able to have a favorable impression of her. All these things make him too annoyed. And the way she is acting makes him more irritated and annoyed.


He switches off the light and goes to sleep. Meera who is near him looks at his act and just shudders her shoulder, she also decided to sleep, anyway the bed is too big and she is not worried about getting molested because she knows that Aditya doesn't have an interest in her.

         Meera falls asleep quickly but she has a habit of moving, and every night she sleeps while hugging Aarav so after moving in sleep for sometimes she suddenly hugs Aditya. Aditya who is a light sleeper, gets awakened due to this act, he wanted to push her away but when he looked towards her, he froze. He realized that his Aarav also has such sleeping posture, and also so much defenseless in sleep.


He is in the dilemma of pushing her or not, but he sees that the woman in his arms is sleeping soundly so he decided not to act harsh, after all, she already takes advantage of him, so just holding him in the night might not be that difficult.



           The next day when Meera wakes up she realized that she is in the arms of Aditya, she tries to get out of his arms as soon as possible but due to that, she bumps her head on jaw-jaw, and Aditya who is also in the half-sleep wake up in pain. He groans in pain.



"I am sorry," Meera said hurriedly, she also noticed that her saliva is on his sleeve. She feels embarrassed even though she understands that there is nothing between them still losing face in front of him is no good.

 "it's okay," Aditya said while waking up. He gets a good sleep so he doesn't mind little things, and anyway, he is at all not in the mood to give attention to Meera.


Meera takes advantage of this and goes towards the washroom while murmuring to get freshen up.

       Aditya wakes up and makes his bed, he also noticed the saliva, his Aarav is just like that, so all the bad habits come from this woman.


Thankfully he is here otherwise his son might become like this woman. Thinking this he makes his bed and decided to use the washroom of the guest room. He doesn't want to stay with these two women.



      Meera who is in the bathroom can't help but feel shy and low, she realized her self-esteem is low and she needs to do something about that, thinking this she leaves the bathroom.