Children don't owe Us

To be honest, in all these years Avinash feels he is dirty. He tries to suppress this feeling by doing work after work. He also reads motivational books, but he is not able to let go of this feeling. He often feels like he is the one who lacks something.

But when Meera says that it is natural and not his fault, he feels a little warm. This is is the first time he hear something like this. From yesterday, when he spends time with his family, and when they try to get his forgiveness he feels the same warmness. If his family can accept this, they might be the audience.....

"But what will I do if people start to hate me?" Avinash can't help but question.

He had many followers, and even if he doesn't want to admit it. He is addicted to this. He is addicted to being surrounded by people.

"First thing you are not doing any wrong thing or crime. People even accept criminals so what's wrong with you, but if you hide things from them, and if they got to know others then things might be different. And you know what, if they like only the characters you do on screen and expect you to be like that, then they don't like you. And even if you have fan nows, after some days, if you do something wrong, or you need to stay away from this industry then they also might forget you."

"Hmm, but what about brother and mother? they will be happy with my decision?"

"Can you give me your phone number? I wanted to send you something" Meera finally get the chance to ask for his number.

"Mom..." Aarav suddenly shouted. He is here waiting for them to look at him, but this duo is in serious conversation.

"Oh sorry baby, you are looking awesome. There is no one as handsome as you" Meera replied. On which Aarav laughs loudly and then he looks towards Avinash, On which Avinash also praises him.

"Mom, now enough, let's only buy this. I am tired" Aarav said.

"What you want all this?' Meera can't help but question him, there might be ten dresses he tried and four-five still there and this kiddo wants all this.

"Take this as a present from me" Avinash can't help but say seeing the miser type look of Meera.

"Give me your phone?" Avinash then said while looking at Meera.

"Aren't you saying it is a gift from you?" Meera questions.

"few minutes ago you ask my number?" Avinash feels funny in this situation.

"Oh ya ya" Meera tries to smile and give her phone to Avinash. Avinash dial his number from her phone and return her phone.

Then he tells the staff to pack the things and send there home.

Meanwhile, Meera send the recording to Avinash.

"Mumma where is the food uncle order for you?" Aarav said while looking around.

"Uncle don't order, he is going to treat us," Meera said while taking Aarav in her arms.

"you both are foodies, don't you guys eat the cake there?" Avinash can't help but question. He sees that these two people eat often.

"But it is my birthday week and I wanted to eat panipuri"Aarav replied while making a little face.

"Me too, and you are today's organizer so you need to treat us" Meera replied, on which Avinash helplessly sigh. He tells his people to order food here.

"I tell them to bring Pizza, Panipuri might be some other time" Avinash replied, to which Meera nodded. Aarav is not much happy, but Meera whispers something in his ear and he smiles.

"I will be back in a few minutes" Avinash replied while taking his earphones. Meera understand that he wanted to listen to what she sent.

Avinash returns nearly half an hour, meanwhile, Meera and Aarav eat the pizza. From the expression of Avinash, it is quite difficult to guess what he is thinking. But Meera is in no rush.

"So can we leave now?" Avinash asks them on which they both nodded. While returning, Aarav once again requested to invite the children to the orphanage, so they also go there. Meera can say that Avinash is in a good mood so he easily agreed to go there.

In the orphanage children are quite happy to see Aarav. While Aarav is happily inviting them, the dean and other people of the orphanage talk with Meera.

From them, Meera got to know that some children from other city are also going to join this orphanage. The dean also tells them that if they can get a computer then it will be best.

Meera remember that they have one or two extra old computers at their home, she decided to donate them. Avinash who get boar due to sitting in the car also decided to come inside. He finds his mask and sunglasses and wears them.

At first, he doesn't want to go inside as someone might recognize him, and then the public will surround this area. But seeing Aarav and Meera not coming he also comes inside.

"So this is the place where you grow?" Avinash sees that Meera is now free so he asks her.

"Yes, but it is now changing, when I am here, we don't have so much place, and not even these cupboards"Meera informs him using the original owner's memory.

"Is your life difficult here?" Avinash can't help but question, he can't imagine the life of these children.

"Actually that time, if we get food then we are happy, and if someone gives us their used clothes then we are extra happy, and if someone donates us new clothes then we are super happy," Meera said remembering the original owner's memory.

She also experiences this, after her father's death, their relative takes advantage of her mom's navies and takes everything from them, and then it gets quite difficult for them to survive, so she doesn't get new clothes easily.

"Is I a bad child?" Avinash questions. He can see the life of children here is really difficult. He somewhat feels guilty for crying over his little problems.

"No" Meera replied without hesitation.

"hmm, but I disappoint my mom"Avinash replied.

"You don't do anything wrong, you children don't owe us anything, it is not your choice to come in this life, but ours, and even though you don't fulfill the expectation we have from you, it doesn't make you a bad child" Meera replied.

"hmmm, but still I feel that no one will accept me, my sexuality, the way mom react that time..." Avinash once again tells his thoughts to Meera. He hears the conversation between his mom and Meera and realized how guilty his mom feels due to the past incidents. He also understands that his mom is not completely guilty, and she and his brother are doing many things for him. But again there is something that he doesn't understand how to approach.

"You know what, your battle is not that if others will accept you or not, but if you can accept yourself. Because form all the conversations I have with you, I feel like you consider that you do a crime or mistake by being the way you are, but it is not, what we do with our lives and whom we choose to love is completely our choices and if we are not harming anyone then we are free to do anything.

you should feel proud of yourself that you are trying to accept yourself, and with the status and power you have, you should be the idol in this regard, there might be many people who feel guilty due to this, and they don't have this privilege. Your family already accepts you, you have financial freedom, you also have support from lawyers and bodyguards, and even if you don't get a job for while you are not going to die of hunger. But many people can't afford to get isolated.

The film industry is more open to this type of things compare to others. And what is the use of everything if you don't have mental peace? At the end of the day, how happy and secure you feel is all that matters." Meera said while putting her finger on Avinash's forehead.

Avinash is too engrossed in her words that he doesn't know how to answer. Why this woman whom he thought don't understand anything and was not a sensible person can say this type of words.