Ultra Handsome

"Baby why do you tell aunty that I am in bad mood by the way?" Virat questions his little kid. 

"I don't know" Vikram suddenly feel like he do some mistake. 

"So my child loves me so much that he understands his uncle's worry, but I am not that sad okay, see I am smiling. Tell me is I handsome today?" Virat questions. on which Vikram nodded. 

"You are ultra handsome," Vikram said with a smile. on which Virat also smiled. After that, he tells Vikram to not worry and go to sleep. 


 The next day Meera get a message from Virat asking her if she is free and if can he call her. Virat never sends her message or even calls her, so Meera thought it might be an emergency so she call him quickly. 

"Mr Virat" Meera greeted him. 

"Oh, Hello Miss Meera. How are you?" Virat questions. 

"I am good" Meera replied. From the voice of Virat, she can say that he is in good mood, then what is the purpose of the message?