Big Fight

"Okay but you first eat," Meera said to him. 

"Okay," Virat said and quickly finish his food. He is hungry and the food Meera made is his absolute favourite. When he finished eating he put the plate on the table. 

"There is some grain on your face," Meera said while indicating the area near his lips. 

"Where?" Virat questions. 

"Here," Meera said while touching his cheek. Virat sees that she is still in a daze and pulls her towards him, and forcefully kisses her. Meera who is not aware of this attack, first get surprised but then her body responds and they both kiss each other. 

"Now, can you please stop being angry"Virat says while trying to calm down his erratic heart.

"I should forgive you just because you kiss me? Which type of logic is this, or do you kiss your ex-girlfriend and wanted to compensate me?" Meera questions. 

"Meera, we break up a long time ago, and she doesn't have a feeling for me" Virat replied.