Give Her Happiness

 Meera in her unconscious state see the future of the male lead aka Rishi, Rishi also suffered after getting adopted. She also sees the suffering of the villain and also Virat. 

 Her Rishi gets bullied by her stepmom, father and even his relatives. Those children and these inhuman relatives beat him, and scold him. Rishi's life after the originals' death becomes worse.

Her Rishi doesn't get enough food until he gets adopted. And after getting adopted, even though there is no beating and not sleeping with an empty stomach. There is still verbal abuse. And later Vikram also started to fight with him. 

 She sees that Virat will die only after seven years from now. At that time he is too weak and too unhealthy. She doesn't understand how he reaches that stage, but she already sees him working so hard, with his poor body. 

 She now regrets fighting with him. She is already so old, can't she give him one more chance?