Meeting The Male Lead

Even though Meera's mother tells her to seduce Mahendra, she is not able to do it. Meera is neither too smart, nor too stupid. As she follows her mother's teaching, she somewhat also follows her father's teaching of doing hard work too. 

 It is just she is always torn between these two theories of life and often gets involved in fa a fight with her parents. 

"So overall the original Meera is neither bad nor good right?" Meera questions the system. 

"Yes, just like you" System answers. 

"Oh I am too good" Meera can't help but praise herself. 

"Ha, ha good joke" System teases Meera. 

"Okay, okay then tell me why Meera is kidnapped? And what will happen to her in the future.?And why do I need to save the villains and form whom?" Meera questions one after one.