Attack on Anuj

"I have little pain here and there but other than that, I am completely fine," Meera said. She looks around and to her disappointment, Mahendra is not there. Even though she won't have anything to do with this man, Mahendra is such eye candy. 

 Even though the man is not pleasing to the heart, he is quite pleasing to the eyes. Mr Sharma looks at her wandering eyes And knows whom she is searching for, it is just he misunderstood it as missing. 

"Boss in the meeting, otherwise he is the one who comes to pick you up" Mr Sharma replied. 

"I also work with both of you, so I know when you guys are lying Mr Sharma. And to be honest, I don't need him to come. If emotions are not true then what is the use of showing care" Meera said. This is the same thing with her husband Raman, he used to act as if he care for her. But in the end, he act so cruelly with her.