
"No. I don't have any issues. The only problem is your family, I mean, me and Aarav are the only people who live in this house so..." Aditya replied. 

"Don't worry, My mom doesn't need to know many things and...I have trust in you" Meera replied. 

"Okay so meet you tomorrow" Aditya replied and they hang up. Meera already tells her mom that she might stay with her friend. She also informs Veer's father to which he doesn't have any objection. Veer's father now started to do two jobs as he has some loans on his head. He wanted to pay it off early so that he can keep the money for his son's education. 

 The next day Meera gets surprised to see Aditya personally come to pick her up. Seeing this handsome man, her neighbors can't help but look in her direction but Meera doesn't show any emotions. She already packs her and Veer's things and then they left.