The confrontation

All of them almost reached the end of the red carpet simultaneously after pausing now and then to let the crowd take a few clicks of them, drawing the attention of the crowd. In a hushed tone, Lian Hua leaned toward Zhan Wei Feng, ensuring her words were only heard by her.

"Can you believe how the Gold Curtain award ceremony's standards have fallen?" Lian Hua whispered, her gaze shifting towards Zhan Yu Xuan. She continued, "Mr. Zhan, perhaps you should consider switching places with me. The atmosphere on that side is rather tainted."

Zhan Yu Xuan regarded her with a sideways glance, a hint of curiosity in his eyes, all the while maintaining his trademark arrogance, composure, and cold demeanor.

Before Lian Hua could respond, a soft and dispassionate voice cut through the air, uttering the word "asinine." The speaker remained unfazed, maintaining a stern expression as she continued her measured stride.

Upon hearing this, a subtle smirk played on Zhan Yu Xuan's lips, while Lian Hua's face paled. She didn't quite grasp the meaning of the word but caught the context of Zhan Wei Feng's mockery. What infuriated her more was that she was likely to win the Best Female Actor Award tonight.

Zhan Wei Feng's comment even managed to intrigue Wei Wan Qing, who was a few steps ahead. A sly smile formed on one side of his stern face, though he refrained from turning to look behind him, choosing instead to maintain his dignified pace.

Lian Hua seethed with anger, yearning to slap Zhan Wei Feng right then and there. However, given the occasion and her public image, she had to suppress her rage. She turned her glum expression towards Zhan Yu Xuan, expecting at least some support from him since they were partners for the night. To her dismay, all she found was his stern countenance and mirthful eyes, which felt like a harsh slap to her face.

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, she lowered her head. This was a significant moment in her life; becoming the Brand Ambassador for 'For You' was already a remarkable achievement. Walking the red carpet with Zhan Yu Xuan was a dream come true, as countless women around the world yearned for such an opportunity.

It was an opportunity that could potentially catapult her to stardom. Her agent had emphasized the importance of making a lasting impression on the audience and the industry insiders.

She was well aware that this partnership was merely a formality and would end as soon as they entered the venue. Nevertheless, she wanted to seize this fleeting moment to boost her fame by creating the illusion of a close rapport with Zhan Yu Xuan. If possible, she hoped to leave a lasting impression and reap additional benefits from it. Her agent had advised her accordingly, even hinting that if she made a favorable impression, she might win over Zhan Yu Xuan's heart. Little did Lian Hua know that this impression would come in the form of a single word, "asinine," and the ensuing turmoil.

So, when she saw Zhan Wei Feng, who had recently faced a scandal and online criticism, walking alongside them, she saw him as a stepping stone to elevate her status. Little did she anticipate that she would stumble and fall on this very stone.

As the elegant procession continued down the red carpet, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Cameras flashed, fans screamed, and reporters scrambled to capture every moment. The stars of the evening, including Lian Hua, Zhan Yu Xuan, and the controversial Zhan Wei Feng, were all under the scrutinizing gaze of the public eye.

Lian Hua's initial excitement had given way to a seething frustration. She couldn't shake off the humiliation inflicted upon her by Zhan Wei Feng's condescending remark. As they walked alongside Zhan Yu Xuan, the man who was the object of her carefully crafted plan to boost her career, she couldn't help but feel like her ambitions were slipping through her fingers.

She stole a sidelong glance at Zhan Yu Xuan, her partner for the night. He exuded an aura of poise and confidence, seemingly untouched by the chaos around them. His smile remained fixed, but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes that hinted at an understanding of the underlying tension.

Zhan Wei Feng's presence added another layer of complexity to the situation. She had been embroiled in a scandal that had captured the attention of the nation. Her reputation was tarnished, and many had turned against her. Lian Hua had seen this as an opportunity to further her public image at the cost of her expense. However, she had underestimated Zhan Wei Feng's resilience and her penchant for mischief. Her use of the word "asinine" had not only stung Lian Hua but had also left her in a state of confusion. She didn't fully comprehend the meaning of the word, and the context in which it was used left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

As they continued their journey down the red carpet, Lian Hua couldn't help but replay the moment in her mind. The thoughts swirling in her mind were a chaotic mix of anger, embarrassment, and regret. She longed to confront Zhan Wei Feng, to demand an explanation for her audacity. But the constraints of the occasion and her carefully maintained public image prevented her from doing so.

Zhan Yu Xuan, on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the incident. His composed demeanor and enigmatic smile only added to Lian Hua's frustration. She had expected him to come to her defense or at least acknowledge her discomfort. Instead, he appeared to find amusement in the situation, leaving her feeling isolated and unsupported. The red carpet seemed to stretch on indefinitely, and Lian Hua's resentment grew with each step.

As they finally approached the entrance to the venue, Lian Hua made a silent vow to herself. She would find a way to turn this situation to her advantage, to salvage her reputation and her career. She couldn't allow Zhan Wei Feng's mockery to define her. With determination burning in her eyes, she looked ahead at the sea of flashing cameras and cheering fans. The red carpet may have been a rocky path, but she was determined to walk it with grace and resilience, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

Her sense of failure had ignited a simmering rage within her. As she lifted her head to observe the Movie King walking ahead of them, confidently striding down the red carpet, a malicious thought crossed her mind. It was common knowledge that the Movie King disliked people touching him for no reason, especially women attempting to use him as a stepping stone. With a wicked grin, she thought to herself, "Wei Feng, Wei Feng... Don't blame me for showing you no mercy. After all, it was you who wronged me first. You made me feel unjustly treated... What will you do when the entire nation turns against you?"