Best actress and Inspirational youth icon

The Gold Curtain Awards had finally commenced, and the anticipation in the air was palpable. After all the guests had settled down in the enchanting outdoor banquet hall at the prestigious ZHK Hotels, the true spectacle of the evening began to unfold. This venue, with its capacity to host up to 3000 people, had been utterly transformed into a breathtaking display of extravagance, complete with decorations that dazzled the eye.

The centerpiece of the evening was the grand stage that had been meticulously designed and set up at one end of the venue. Rows of seating extended gracefully from the stage, each seat carefully positioned to maximize the view of the unfolding spectacle. However, the most coveted seats were to the right of the stage, where a carefully arranged section awaited the sponsors, the distinguished judge and jury panel, and the important dignitaries who were gracing the ceremony with their presence. Here, the seating arrangement was a testament to meticulous planning, with seats organized according to the status and position of each individual. This arrangement not only ensured an organized environment but also provided unmatched comfort for the VIPs in attendance. It was in this area that the national security team maintained a vigilant watch, a clear indication of the expected presence of members of the royal family of Nan Xiang.

On the opposite side of the stage, the nominees and other celebrities found their designated seats in the open area, where tables and chairs had been neatly arranged. They were a blend of excitement and nervousness, fully aware that their fates would be decided on this grand stage. The presenters, however, had their own discreet seating on the far side of the stage, hidden from the prying eyes of the general public.

A small temporary partition cleverly separated the areas allocated for celebrities and the general public, with security measures in place to ensure everyone's safety. The stage itself was visible to all thanks to the installation of two massive screens on both sides, broadcasting the live events and excitement happening onstage to the entire audience.

As each award category was announced, the venue came alive with cheers, applause, and palpable excitement. Stars of the entertainment industry, dressed in their finest attire, gracefully accepted the highest accolades in their field. The hosts, with their witty banter and playful exchanges, kept the crowd entertained throughout the evening. The performances that graced the stage between award presentations were not just entertaining; they were mesmerizing, leaving the audience in awe and maintaining the vibrant spirit of the gathering. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed, and the late evening had seamlessly transitioned into the most anticipated segment of the entire ceremony.

This was the pivotal moment that would unveil the best actors and actresses of the year. The crowd, along with the nominated stars, held their breath in anticipation, fully aware that these prestigious awards could shape their careers in the entertainment industry and influence their job opportunities for the coming year.

Amidst the collective anticipation and excitement, two distinct figures stood out from the crowd. One figure appeared conspicuously detached from the proceedings, engrossed in her own world. She played idly with her fingers and occasionally cradled her stomach, a gesture that suggested she was soothing an unborn child. At times, her eyelids would droop, and she would slip into a light slumber, only to be roused by the thunderous applause that followed the announcement of award winners. Yet, her eyes would light up with curiosity and interest whenever a new name was announced. Observers in the audience couldn't quite decide whether she was a decorative prop, adding an air of mystique to the event, or if she had somehow wandered into the ceremony by mistake.

On the opposite end of the spectrum sat another figure, exuding an aura of arrogance and confidence. She sat with an air of someone who had already predicted the outcome of the evening, casually adjusting and touching up her makeup, fully expecting to grace the stage soon.

Before the highly anticipated categories of Best Actors and Best Actresses were to be announced, the male host stepped up to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, before we dive into the eagerly awaited categories of Best Actors and Best Actresses for this year's Gold Curtain Awards, the esteemed jury has decided to introduce a special award category," he announced.

The female host, her curiosity piqued, inquired, "What prompted the introduction of this new award category? Did the organizers secure a significant sponsor for this surprise addition?"

The male host, sporting a sly smile, responded, "Are you absolutely sure you want to address our sponsors with such candidness?"

"What's the harm in it?" the female host asked innocently.

The male host chuckled, "What's the harm? Are you that eager to trend online? If you're in pursuit of the trending topics, let me assure you, tonight's spotlight will belong to the recipient of this award. In fact, I've heard from insiders that it's not just one award; this particular individual will be honored with two."

"Really? My curiosity is piqued; I'm eager to know who this remarkable individual is," the female host admitted, her intrigue clearly evident.

"Well then, why don't we present both awards right away? Furthermore, it's been brought to my attention that this recipient has another commitment later tonight and must depart promptly," the male host suggested.

"In that case, let's not delay any further; let's invite the presenters to the stage," the female host concurred.

With their announcement, two elegant figures walked hand in hand onto the stage from behind the curtains, their presence commanding the attention of the entire audience.

"So, Mr. An Mian Zheng and Ms. Cao Mei," the male host began, addressing the presenters, "As esteemed members of the jury and the committee behind the Gold Curtain Awards, could you enlighten our audience about this intriguing new award category and your reasons for introducing it?"

Mr. An, holding the microphone with a poised demeanor, addressed the eager audience, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. To address your inquiries, this award is undeniably special. While we cannot guarantee it will become a recurring category, the committee is committed to recognizing truly deserving candidates. The newly introduced award category we're discussing is the 'Inspirational Youth Icon,' and it is with unanimous agreement that the committee has selected Ms. Zhan Wei Feng as its inaugural recipient."

The audience erupted in thunderous applause, acknowledging the exceptional talent and inspiration that Ms. Zhan embodied. Mr. An continued, "Furthermore, it's worth noting that Ms. Zhan has also been honored as the Best Actress of the Year, thanks to her exceptional performance in the acclaimed drama 'Flying Colors.' Let us all join together in congratulating Ms. Zhan for her remarkable achievements."