I am gonna make her my wife


When Wei Wan Qing stepped into the scene, his Burgundy suit and confident demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension that had been building between Zhan Yu Xuan and Zhan Wei Feng. His arrival added another layer of intrigue to an already complex situation.


Zhan Yu Xuan's voice turned cold and sharp as he confronted Wei Wan Qing's presence. "Don't you know it's not good manners to trespass on others' territory, not to mention eavesdropping on others' conversation?" His words were laced with a palpable sense of authority and irritation, and the room seemed to chill in response.


However, Wei Wan Qing remained unfazed by the rebuke. He leaned casually against a nearby wall, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Who said I trespassed here? It's just that I was on the wrong floor. And what I listened to fell into my ears by accident. You can't blame me for the fact that my ears work well."


Zhan Yu Xuan's patience was wearing thin as he scolded, "Wan Qing, can you be any more shameless?"


Wei Wan Qing chuckled, his confidence unshaken. "Well, I can. As I am going to make Zhan Wei Feng my wife."


The audacity of Wei Wan Qing's declaration caught Zhan Yu Xuan off guard. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the determination in Wan Qing's gaze. "What do you mean? Explain it clearly," he commanded, his tone demanding an explanation.


With a casual air, Wei Wan Qing elaborated, "It's simple, Prince Zhan. I said I am going to marry Princess Zhan."


Zhan Yu Xuan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the boldness of this statement. He decided to probe further, knowing the gravity of the situation. "You know who she is, and you know what her position will be like in the future, right?"


Wan Qing responded with a nonchalant smile that seemed to say, "Who cares?"


Yu Xuan persisted, wanting assurance of Wan Qing's intentions. "Are you sure you still want to marry her?"


Wan Qing's smile remained steady as he gave his resolute response. "You may think that I want to marry her with an objective because of her background. If you think so, quickly dispel it. I decided to marry her when I saw her attitude on the red carpet. Do you think I knew her identity back then? I bet even you, her brother, didn't know who she was."


Zhan Yu Xuan was intrigued by Wan Qing's unwavering determination. He extended a friendly gesture by offering him candy. "Then when did you find out?"


Wan Qing waved off the candy, explaining, "When she came as the princess. The black lace bracelet was in her hand, and her message to you. Both helped me make my guess. And I just came to confirm my guess."


The conversation took a more serious turn as Zhan Yu Xuan addressed a significant concern. "Then what about your family? That could be a drawback."


Wan Qing's expression turned more solemn as he admitted, "Maybe you don't know, but I cut off all my ties with them the moment I learned the truth. So they have no role in my life."


Yu Xuan felt compelled to issue a solemn warning as the discussion continued. "I must warn you, Wan Qing. You must take good care of her. You know her identity and the obligations that come with it. She is and always will be a member of the royal family. Though I am not her biological brother, she is more precious to me than you can imagine. You can't force her to marry you. If she is unwilling, leave her alone. You know the aftermath that comes if you mistreat her. And believe me, I won't mind taking drastic measures if you mistreat her, and you know I can do so."


Wan Qing nodded solemnly in response, accepting the gravity of the situation. "You have my word. I won't force her. I won't mistreat her. And more importantly, she will be the only woman I, Wei Wan Qing, will have in this whole lifetime. If I don't keep any of these words, you, Zhan Yu Xuan, the first son of Queen Xiu Xi Feng, can punish me as you see fit."


Yu Xuan seemed satisfied with Wan Qing's commitment but remained cautious. "Strictly no comments. It all depends on her."


Wan Qing couldn't help but offer a hint of a smile. "You are exactly like your mother."


"Who doesn't get influenced by her," Yu Xuan replied with a hint of fondness in his voice, reflecting his deep respect and love for his mother.


As their conversation came to a close, both men understood the gravity of the situation. The fate of Zhan Wei Feng now hung in the balance, subject to her own choices, the intentions of Wei Wan Qing, and the watchful eye of her brother, Zhan Yu Xuan.

As Wei Wan Qing and Zhan Yu Xuan concluded their conversation, an unspoken understanding hung in the air. The situation had taken a surprising turn, and both men recognized that their destinies were now bound together by the enigmatic figure of Zhan Wei Feng, the young woman who had unwittingly become the center of this unfolding drama.


Wei Wan Qing, still leaning casually against the wall, straightened himself and adjusted his Burgundy suit. There was a glint of determination in his eyes as he addressed Yu Xuan once more. "I appreciate your understanding, Prince Zhan. Rest assured, I take my commitment seriously, and I will do everything in my power to make Wei Feng happy."


Zhan Yu Xuan nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Just remember what I said. Her happiness is my priority. If you ever break your word, there will be consequences."

 When Seeing Wan Qing taking his leave, As if he has remained of something, Yu Xuan's voice rang, "As you were honest with me about everything, let me be honest with you. The Zhan and Xiu family will take action against the Wei family. Are you sure, you will be able to stay calm? What will you do then?"

Yu Xuan knows what the Wei Family means to Wan Qing. He just wants to understand Wan Qing's stand on this matter. Though the previous generation of the three families had a cordial relationship, it all changed over time. Now the Zhan and Xiu family is waiting for the right time to make their move. 

His words hit a brake in Wan Qing's stride. After a pass, without turning around, "I will be the first person to lit the firework to celebrate. Don't invite me to have the VIP seat to watch the show."

"What if I want you to make a cameo role to make this drama more spicier?', Yu Xuan threw another question at him.

"I don't mind as long as you pay generously.", With the sentence, Wan Qing walked out with a nod saying that he knew what he wanted to do. For some reason, the atmosphere between them seemed like they shared the same brain cell.