Where the hell she come from

The room lingered in an uneasy silence, the echoes of furious curses slowly dissipating into the air. Lian Chang Jiang, having adeptly dodged the candlestick and weathered the storm of Lian Hua's anger, took a moment to gather his thoughts. 'I better shut up,' he thought, wisely deciding to keep his opinions to himself for the time being.

As Lian Hua continued her verbal onslaught, her frustration and anger became increasingly palpable. Her voice reverberated through the room as she railed against the perceived injustice of losing the Best Actress award to an unknown actress, Zhan Wei Feng. Chang Jiang, in the midst of her tirade, pieced together the puzzle. His cousin hadn't won the coveted award, and it had been bestowed upon someone seemingly unheard of until that moment. The news contradicted the insider information he had received earlier about Lian Hua being the likely winner. The alcohol-induced haze that had clouded his judgment earlier suddenly cleared, and he realized the gravity of the situation.

While he pondered the unlikely turn of events, another projectile, this time a spoon, came hurtling towards him, jolting him out of his reverie. It was a stark reminder that Lian Hua's wrath was not to be taken lightly.

"Chang Jiang, I am talking to you. Where the hell is your mind wandering? Where the fuck did you hear the news that I would win the award?" she lashed out, directing her frustration squarely at him.

"Sister, did any misunderstanding happen when the announcement was made?" he cautiously inquired, attempting to navigate the turbulent waters of her anger.

Her response was a glare, accompanied by teeth-grinding frustration. "Lian Chang Jiang, did you eat your brain when you were born? How the heck would people get confused between Lian Hua and Zhan Wei Feng?"

"You are right. That won't happen. Then what happened?" he pressed for an explanation, choosing his words carefully.

"I guess you didn't eat your brain. I guess your brain is also filled with all those useless organs that you use a lot," she retorted, her insults laced with irritation.

Despite her barbs, he remained composed. "Cousin, I will check. But you have something first."

Her attention shifted to the scattered remains of the food he had ordered for her, now in disarray on the floor. "Have what? This? Don't you know it's called garbage?"

Chang Jiang, recognizing that he wasn't responsible for the mess, maintained his composure. He suggested, "I will order it again," injecting a hint of formality into his tone. However, he was well aware that reordering from the exclusive Sous-Sol restaurant at this hour was practically impossible.

Lian Hua's anger flared up again. "Cousin, I will check. But you have something first."

As he reached for his phone to place an order, he decided to broach a more delicate topic. "Lian Hua..."

"Call me with honorifics," she ordered sharply, emphasizing the need for respect.

"Cousin, the restaurant is almost closed. Can I ask you to have..." he started, but she interrupted with a demand.

"Was that the only restaurant you know? Order it from Blossoms," she instructed, her tone revealing the expensive taste associated with that particular establishment.

Chang Jiang's heart sank at the thought. If Sous-Sol had cost him tens of thousands, Blossoms would easily set him back hundreds of thousands. As he hesitated, Lian Hua pressed, "What? Is the contact number on my face?"

"No, I... I will order now," he stammered, immediately calling Blossoms and placing an order for a few of their exquisite dishes.

Once the call ended, Lian Hua continued her line of questioning, her frustration evident. "Where did you hear that I would win the award tonight?"

"From Director Yang. We had a few drinks, and we talked about things, and I indirectly said so," he explained quickly, still reeling from the aftermath of the spoon assault.

"Call that damned old son of a bitch," Lian Hua demanded, her anger now redirected toward Director Yang.

Chang Jiang promptly dialed Director Yang's number, but the call went unanswered, adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

Seeing that the line didn't get through, Lian Hua fell silent. Her silence spoke volumes, asking the unspoken question, "So what are you planning to do next?"

"Huh... Lian Hua, why don't we investigate this Zhan, whoever she is?" Chang Jiang suggested, sensing it was the only solution to unravel the mystery that had unfolded at the awards ceremony. The room, still charged with tension, awaited Lian Hua's response to this proposed course of action.

Chang Jiang understood the implications of digging into Zhan Wei Feng's background. It was a bold move, but the circumstances demanded an exploration into the unknown. Lian Hua, though visibly irked, seemed to consider the suggestion.

"What do you hope to find?" she finally asked, her tone carrying a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"Answers. We need to understand how someone like Zhan Wei Feng emerged out of nowhere and took the Best Actress award. There's more to this story than meets the eye," Chang Jiang replied, his conviction evident.

Chang Jiang felt a sense of hope that Lian Hua will, albeit begrudgingly, agree to the plan. Little did he know that delving into Zhan Wei Feng's past would unravel a web of mysteries, leading them down a path they never anticipated.

When they delved deeper from the investigation, is that Zhan Wei Feng was not just an unknown actress with a scandalous past; she was a key player in a complex web of relationships and intrigue. Her connections led them to the upper echelons of society, where power, wealth, and secrets intertwined in a delicate dance.

Chang Jiang, armed with determination and a thirst for truth, decided to navigate the intricate social circles that surrounded Zhan Wei Feng. he would interview industry insiders, delve into the actress's filmography, and sift through the whispers of gossip that permeated the glamorous facade of the entertainment world.

But what's in the brain of Lian Hua is a mysterious secret. He can only wait for this pampered demon cousin's answer