
The day had started like any other for the production team, but it quickly spiraled into a series of unexpected events that none of them could have predicted. The crew, scattered across the vicinity after a chaotic search for Zhan Wei Feng, were finally regrouping, their emotions a mix of relief and simmering frustration.

When told to the team through the communication devices, they started to panic and some were started to fume in anger. They just came to do their work but this girl is insulting and making fool out of them.

They are furious but the immediate matter that needs their attention was reassemble the lost crew. The production head spoke in the communication device.

The production head's voice crackled through the communication devices, a beacon of order amidst the disarray." Everyone be where you are and the team that operates drone please come on line. You guys need to work hard now. Fly around the stadium. If I say down, that means our crew is somewhere there. And others, when you guys spot the drones, and it lowers to ground, Start following it. It will take you guys to the assembly point." he instructed, his tone firm yet tinged with the stress of the moment. The drone operators were called into action, their eyes on the sky, guiding the lost members back to the fold.

With clear instructions and good execution, it only take 10 minutes to get together.

As the team congregated, a new problem arose: Zhan Wei Feng was missing, and the mic she should have been wearing is found in the lavatory. The crew's frustration turned to fury. They had come to do a job, to capture the life of an enigmatic actress, but now they felt like pawns in her game.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the approach of three men in security uniforms. "Kindly follow me," the leader said, his voice leaving no room for questions.

Seeing that they were possibly misunderstood, the presenter came forward and start explaining the situation. He didn't even finish his first sentence.

" No need to explain. We know your situation. We are just following orders and you just follow us.", the head told and he began to walk.

The crew, still reeling from the day's events, complied, trailing behind the men in a silent procession. The journey led them to an open field, a stark contrast to the cramped spaces of the city. Hundreds of people milled about, their bows and arrows at the ready, a scene more fitting for a medieval fair than a modern-day filming location.

The crew was in a state of confusion. While they were figuring out where they are, a figure slowly appeared on their sight. Upon seeing the group, the head was nodded slightly and the three men who escorted them retreated. Confusion etched on their faces, the crew watched as Zhan Wei Feng emerged, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the vicinity. 

Zhan Wei Feng who saw the crew slowly voiced, " Follow me." And she took the lead this time after taking her mic again.

She quickly went to a help desk and handed the form she was holding to. Upon seeing this woman, everyone who were initially minding their own work stopped whatever they were doing and began to run towards her.

Before they could swarm her, Zhan Wei Feng found a moment of respite, a teenage girl offering her a chair. The actress's smile was a rare glimpse of vulnerability, a silent thank you for the small kindness. She signaled for a brief pause, and the crowd, understanding the unspoken request, waited patiently.

Zhan Wei Feng then turned her attention to the weary production crew, her movements still efficient despite the earlier chaos. She distributed water bottles and drinks, a peace offering to those who had been unwitting participants in her morning's escapade. "Have them."

The crew, though still harboring anger, accepted the refreshments, their bodies grateful for the sustenance. It was a moment of truce, a chance to catch their breath after what felt like an endurance race. It was as if they ran two triathlon race. Indeed poor people.

Once settled, Zhan Wei Feng addressed the group, her question cutting through the tension. "So tell me how it felt like when things take turns from what you planned?" The simplicity of her inquiry belied the complexity of the situation, and it struck a chord with everyone present.

Her single sentence broke a lot of barriers that are holding everyone's anger.

[ F***, Did she do it on purpose?]

[ How it feel? Wei Feng, be careful, maybe you will get attacked for this question.]

[ why are you caring for her. We should hate her. Hate]

The field director indeed lashed out. " So you did it on purpose? Have you thought about us? Is it some sort of fun for you? We just wanted to record your daily activities for the program. Is this how you should treat me? Don't you know basic manners? Do you know what it caused to us? If Anything happened to anyone of us will you be responsible?"

Zhan Wei Feng's response was calm, almost serene. "First, yes, I did it on purpose," she admitted, her honesty disarming. "But instead of answering your other questions, let me ask the same. Have you guys thought of me when you appeared on my doorstep?"

Her retort was a mirror, reflecting their actions back at them. The crew was left speechless, not because she was right, but because they had never considered the question. It was a moment of realization, a turning point that shifted the dynamic of the day.

The field director's anger dissipated, replaced by a begrudging respect. Zhan Wei Feng had taken control of the narrative, turning what could have been a mundane day of filming into a lesson in perspective. The crew, once the orchestrators, were now the audience, captivated by the actress's unscripted performance.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, the production team packed up their equipment, their minds heavy with the day's lessons. They had come to capture Zhan Wei Feng's life, but instead, they had become part of her play, a play that was long over.