No one want her around

The production crew decided to let the small drones follow her and not to disturb her and the people who are there given the information she gave but decided to let it fly with a certain distance.

When she came near the vicinity of the people who approached her when she came suddenly shouted her name. The originally calm and quiet screen suddenly had a scream because of this.

The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of dread as the small drones buzzed overhead, capturing every moment of the unfolding drama. Zhan Wei Feng, the enigmatic figure at the center of it all, moved with a grace that belied the tension gripping the crowd. Her arrival had been met with a cacophony of emotions, from adulation to apprehension, and now, as she stood before her peers, the atmosphere was electric with expectation.

Wei Feng's presence was a double-edged sword; her talent was undeniable, but it cast a long shadow over those who dared to compete alongside her. The sudden scream that pierced the quiet had startled everyone, a jarring reminder of the intensity of the competition. It was a sound that resonated with the collective anxiety of the competitors, a scream that seemed to echo their inner turmoil.

As Wei Feng's name reverberated through the air, she winced, her fingers instinctively rising to shield her ears. The reaction of the crowd was a mirror to her own discomfort, a shared moment of dissonance that united them in their surprise.

[ Damn, my ears hurt FYI, I used headphones and now I regret it]

[ I thought something happened when I heard that scream.]

Seeing their reaction, it was not only the audience but Zhan Wei Feng who was about to go and hug a few people stopped in her path and closed her ears with her finger.

" Auch... Is it needed to be this dramatic? It's just I came not like you guys won a lottery.", she said.

The man's question that followed was pointed, a verbal dance around the elephant in the room. "Don't you know, you not coming here is what it feels like winning a lottery. By the way, tell me are you here to officiate or to participate?"

The question hung in the air, unanswered, as a little girl interjected with a mix of innocence and insight. "What a dumb head you are. Didn't your eyes see her handing her forms at the organizers' desk? Of course, she is here to participate and get us all killed."

The banter continued, a playful yet poignant exchange that revealed the complex dynamics at play. Wei Feng, for all her prowess, was both a beloved icon and a formidable barrier to victory for her fellow competitors. Her silence in response to their teasing was not submission but a strategic pause, a moment to let the words and emotions settle before she countered with her own brand of wit.

"Did we owe you anything in our life or in our last life? Why do you always have to participate? With your standard, why can't you go challenge in greater grounds?" a girl asked, her voice a mix of jest and genuine curiosity.

[ So even people close to her think like she shouldn't be there?]

[ Zhan Wei Feng, what sort of person are you?]

[ Exactly, why people react like that when they see you?]

[ What competition are they talking about? Why I feel lost?]

[ I like this circle of people. Atleast they can make her silent.]

Seeing that there will only be a monologue within themselves and no one is going to let her speak,Wei Feng stood there with her hands clanged at her back and with after a few seconds she went to get ready with her cheat and arm guards and started to align her bows and spotting scope.

" Don't get her start saying,' What I am doing here is obviously fooling around blah blah blah....' A certain best actress does everything only to fool around yet she masters whatever she does.", an another man chimed in to mock Wei Feng.

" Xiao Feng, See we didn't submit our forms yet. You better tell us what are the category you are gonna compete this time. We will change our course if you are in it. So say it", another man asked while everyone nodded their head.

The conversation shifted, the focus turning to Wei Feng's intentions for the competition. The others were eager to know which categories she would grace with her presence, hoping to avoid direct confrontation with the archery virtuoso.

"Why should I say?" Wei Feng challenged, her tone playful yet edged with the confidence of a champion.

The man's plea was heartfelt, his competitive spirit laid bare. "It's obvious that you will take the first place no matter what you compete in. We are also people with passion and competitiveness. We too have a desire to win a championship. And you are the biggest obstacle in our way. I promised my girlfriend that I will win gold this time. So, at least for the sake of my love life, say what categories are you competing?"

" It's obvious that you will take the first place no matter what you compete in. We are also people with passion and competitiveness. We too have desire to win a championship. And you are the biggest obstacle in our way. I promised my girlfriend that I will win gold this time. So, atleast for the sake of my love life, say what categories are you competing?"

Wei Feng's response was a masterclass in psychological warfare, a blend of mock innocence and strategic ambiguity. " If you all withdraw from those categories, who am I going to compete with. It's no fun if I can't play?", She pulled a innocent look.

" We will play with you till the competition begins officially." A few people quickly answered.It was a testament to Wei Feng's influence and the respect she commanded, even as they playfully cursed her for the challenge she represented.

With a evil smirk that promised both camaraderie and competition, Wei Feng finally relented." Okay, I will tell you. This time I am participating in four categories. So those who are in these four categories aim and play for silver and bronze. Apart from these four, Others can compete for gold in other categories." She then turned on her heel, her bow in hand, ready to demonstrate the skill that had earned her the title of devil among her peers.

" So what are the categories?", The girl asked.

The girl's question was a last-ditch effort to glean more information, but Wei Feng was resolute in her secrecy. " Isn't the information enough? I already told only four categories this year. Revealing more will spoil the game. Happy shooting. Bye bye. If want, come and practice with me.", Wei Feng said with a sinister playfulness in her voice.

As Wei Feng walked away, the murmurs among the crowd coalesced into a single thought: 'She is still the same devil who will play with people as she wants.' It was a thought that carried both fear and admiration, a recognition of the power she wielded with such effortless grace. The chapter closed with the image of Wei Feng, the archer, the actress, the enigma, ready to take on the world with a bow, a smirk, and a talent that could not be denied.