Their silent talk caused a uproar in internet

When their conversation was still on full swing, the prompter called out the participants for the mount Archery[1] to assemble in the archery range.

Upon hearing the prompt, Wei Feng adjusted her emotional state and signalled at the staffs who are stationed at a distance.

A assistant in the Production crew came forward.

" Brother, As I am going to participate, it's really inconvenient for me to wear the mic. So I trouble you to remove it.", and she handed the mic to the staff before heading to the range. The girl she met at the parking lot was waiting with a horse in her hand. Seeing the horse, Wei Feng revealed a sweet smile and ran towards it.

Huh!! Finally she knows how to act like a human.

Soon the competition started. she ride the horse and ran around the range to shoot all the targets. On the other side a little human forget why he came here and was jumping outside the range in joy while talking about the new aunty he gained while the one who accompanied him is sneaking looks at her while waiting for his turn. Upon seeing her riding the horse from rear reminds him of the lingering silhouette that was craved deep in his memory.

With the commencement of the mount Archery, the two got busy with their participation. After finishing the mount Archery, She got summoned for Clout archery[1] and Yu Xuan was stationed at pole Archery[1] range .

When they are finally done it was past 1 in the noon. The organizing committee had already arranged for the Lunch for the people who are gathered there. Right after finishing and receiving the gold medals for the two categories she participated, Wei Feng immediately grabbed the plate and was about to get her food.

" You can Join me.", A voice silently rang in her ears startling her.

Being Startled, Wei Feng calmed her heart and turned to curse Yu Xuan. Seeing the little boy standing by his feet with Yu Xuan's arms around him, she swallowed her words.

" Little aunty, Join us. Please. Uncle Yu Xuan will treat us to the tastiest foods.", Song Xin Long said with puppy eyes.

" But..." She planned to eat with her friends. It's not easy for all of them to gather.

Sensing her thoughts, " Xin Long, how about let's eat here. I am already a little hungry.", Yu Xuan asked.

" Xin Long, Trust aunty. The food here is also so tasty.",Wei Feng chimed in.

Xin Long nodded and saw the happily receding Wei Feng's figure to grab her lunch. She not only take food for her,she fill another plate carefully with the food that a child can eat while putting food casually in another plate.

One of her friends who saw her filling the plates joked, " Little Devil, It's okay if you don't let us bag any medals do you also have to let us starve."

Though she was joking, she grabbed one of the plate in her hand.

Seeing her like that, Xin Long chuckled and pulled Yu Xuan's ear near him and whispered," Uncle, You want little aunty to be happy, don't you?"

" How do you know it?", Yu Xuan asked wondering how this boy can sense it.

" Uncle, Apart from Mom and aunties, she is the first person you are treating like this. So tell me the truth, Who is she?"

" Xin Long, Uncle can tell you,But you have to promise uncle that you will not tell anyone who she is not even to your mom and dad."

Thinking for a while, the boy came to a conclusion. He knew if his First Uncle says something, there is always more to it.

"Okay. I promise. I will not tell anyone who she is."

" Do you remember the little girl from the photo your mom have?"

" Hmm, Mom call her A'Lu., the little aunty who went to travel the world without telling her parents"

" You are right. She is A'Lu. The youngest one of us siblings."

" That means she really is my little aunty. But Uncle why doesn't she want to come home?"

" Xin Long, Even though you are able to understand our adult world better that your peers, This is a bit complicated. And there is no need for you to know it. So don't ask anymore."

" Okay. I won't ask. But Is she a crack head? She is clearly a celebrity but she doesn't seem to care a little about it. Don't get me wrong. I have my ways to find who she is."

"Was it Xiao Tong who told you?"

" Yeah he is. So What?", Xin Long showed a protective sense over his caretaker.

" Nothing. By the way,who among us siblings is normal headed?"

" You have a point. But she is cute. I like her more than you all."

" Whom do you like more darling?", Wei Feng who finally finished grabbing the food came with two plates in her hand followed by a five more people. The band's immediate attraction fell on the little cutie who is in Yu Xuan's embrace.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, You guys can adore me. But don't get physical, My cheeks will hurt if you all pinch me.", Sensing the awaiting torment of affection that will befall on him, Xin Long spoke out his words first.

Listening to it, the people around them laughed.

" Wei Feng, Who is this? He is cute and I bet he has the same mouth of yours", He Jun who was her victim talked.

" You can consider him my nephew.", She answered and ignored the people totally. " Meng Lan, That plate is for him. Give it to him. Xin Long, Come and let aunty feed you."

Xin Long who was 7 years old hesitated to get fed still he rushed out of his uncle's arms as soon as he heard and went to her side.

" Wei Feng, You are such a people snatcher. You snatched him just like that.", Yu Xuan said as he took the plate offered to him by Meng Lan. " Thank you." and sat next to Wei Feng.

Since then, Yu Xuan have been lecturing Wei Feng in what she can eat and what she can't eat considering the two more competition they have later. If he had something that she doesn't have in plate, He let her eat. She will give him the foods she doesn't like. Their interaction doesn't feel like an interaction between people who just met.

After a light meal, the duo went back to their participation in Mixed Run Archery[1] and Mixed Field Archery[1] leaving the boy under the care of Xiao Tong without minding anyone around them.

While seeing them, 'So you guys are...', The group wondered. Since morning this man is being around Wei Feng. And As far as they know, There had never been anyone by her side not to mention a man.

Though they are curious,they have their priorities straight and know that is She wants to introduce them she will do it. Thus they went back to collect the medals that have destiny with them and buried the entire thought in their head.

That was not the thought of group who joined them for lunch, but also the thought of people who was watching them. Viewers also wondered and their brain wandered in the same direction. Some busybodies even started sharing that these two have a intimate relationship and the boy was their child and whatever came to their mind since the mic was not recording any of the sounds since she removed it for the competition in the SNS.

A certain fan club was busy working on setting up the fan club, accepting the requests and creating groups for interactions completely unaware of the new hot search that is starting in the SNS[2].

[1] They are the types of Archery played. If you are interested you can search for them. there are many other types of Archery as well.

[2] SNS refers to the social media here.