Let's talk

The city's heartbeat was a rhythm of unrest, each tick of the clock amplifying the tension that had gripped its denizens. Amidst this turmoil, the serene enclave of Jade Ville Mansion stood in stark contrast, a sanctuary from the chaos. It was here that Wei Feng and Wei Wan Qing found themselves, their meeting an island of calm in the storm. Why are Wei Feng and Wan Qing meeting in the Jade ville mansion? To know what happened in this area, we have to take a look at this morning.

The morning had dawned like any other at Azure Moon Manor, nestled on the tranquil slopes of Moon Swell Foothills is still away from all the buzzing a working day is creating. The world was stirring to life, but here, time seemed to move at its own pace.

When the sun began to get angry as the people didn't mind and noticed its arrival, Wei Feng who just finished hiking the Moon swell foothills while a girl of small stature tagged along with her small legs hoping to keep with her. When she felt sourness in her legs, she stopped and cried, " Mommy, if you love me, you better carry me. If not I am going to sit here and will not go with you. Hmm". The child's plea for a piggyback ride was met with a playful threat of pudding theft, a moment of levity that belied the gravity of the day ahead.

On hearing the pleas of her princess, Wei Feng turned to look. Fall for her cuteness, " Ok. Don't blame me when I eat all your pudding." Wei Feng fastened her steps.

Soon, The girl began to chase her. Hearing the light steps from behind, Wei Feng picked up her speed slightly. Only to get bumped into someone.

"Sor...", she swallowed half of her words upon seeing the person she bumped into.

Standing before was a man who was wearing his casual wear. ' What in the world brings him here?', Wei Feng thought.

But the reaction from the other party was brightened up immediately. His eyes were fixed on the lady in front of him. " Mr. Wei, I am sorry. It was just an accident. If you excuse me, I will take my leave." Hiding the little girl behind her.

Slightly shifting his gaze from her to her behind, " Wei Feng, Ms. Zhan. Can I talk with you?", Wei Wan Qing asked.

Receiving the unexpected question she put up her radiant smile, "Judging from your attire, It seems Mr. Wei is on his way to work. I don't think it's good to take up your time. Why don't we talk later when you are less busy? Then, I will take my leave. Have a good day Mr. Wei." As she spoke, she encircled Wan Qing and was ready to leave.

Their path collided with that of Wei Wan Qing, an encounter as unexpected as it was fateful. Apologies and pleasantries were exchanged, but it was clear that this was more than a chance meeting. Wei Wan Qing's request for a conversation hung in the air, an invitation that Wei Feng could not ignore.

Before she could take a few steps, A hand pulled her back. "You don't have to worry about that. I was on my way to meet you in your condo in Monville Condominium. I guess it's my luck, I ran into you here. So, Why don't we talk? And I don't mind if you bring that little flower with you.", When he finished speaking, He didn't wait for her to say anything. He just turned around and began to walk into the Jade ville mansion.

After giving it a thought, Wei Feng took the girl's hand and walked in following Wan Qing. Reluctantly, she followed him into the Jade Ville Mansion, a structure that mirrored its owner's persona: modern, minimalistic, and exuding an understated elegance. The exterior was designed with black and white sliding contrasted with the surrounding and dripping greenery The lawn area only had grass and a few trees. The mansion was a testament to the idea that simplicity could be the ultimate sophistication, its black and white facade a silent proclamation of the owner's character.

Though the mansion's architecture is different from her Azure Moon Manor, The style and concept along with the feeling of warmth of a home it excluded was very similar to what she would look for in a home. After all, it's the people who live in the building that make it a Home.

Inside, the mansion welcomed them with a tranquil lotus pond, its inhabitants a vibrant array of Koi fish and Shubunkin Goldfish. Chun Xuan's delight at the sight of turtles was a brief distraction, a moment of innocence that brought a smile to even Wei Wan Qing's face.

"There are turtles. Mo... Wei Feng, See, There are two turtles.", The girl exclaimed.

"Chun Xuan, Don't lean too forward." she turned and asked, "How deep is this pond?"

"It's a 4780-gallon pond. It's 5..." before he finishes his words, " Chun Xuan. It's Five feet deep. If you fell in, you won't be able to keep yourself up even if you know how to swim. So sit still and don't lean forward. " She instructed the girl carefully. When she got a nod from the girl. She stopped.

The little girl turned around and asked, "Uncle, Can I feed them?"

Wei Wan Qing who was questioned smiled and bend next to her," Sorry dear, They already ate their full."

"oh", The girl let out an oh.

Seeing her like this, Wan Qing bend down to pluck a few lotus and handed them to her. Chun Xuan looked at Wei Feng. When Wei Feng nodded, She extended her hands and took the flowers with a thank you.

When the girl was okay, Wan Qing led Wei Feng to the living room which was on the left of the hallway.

Asked Wei Feng to sit down, Wan Qing Went quickly grabbed a glass of water for her.

As they settled into the living room, the air was thick with unspoken words. Wei Feng, ever direct, wasted no time. "So, Mr. Wei, what do you want to talk with me?" she asked, her voice steady, betraying none of the curiosity that simmered within her.