See if she is suitable?

In the heart of the bustling city, within the walls of a grand mansion, a scene unfolded that was as unexpected as it was charming. Wei Han Ying, a boy of merely five years, witnessed a side of his father, Wei Wan Qing, that he had never seen before. The stern façade that his father usually presented to the world had melted away in the presence of Wei Feng, a woman who brought a rare smile to his father's face and a warmth to their home that Han Ying had longed for.

But today is different. His father is acting like a human. He is smiling, he is playing, he is lively. Han Ying even wished that this lady who was a little crazy to stay with them every day. She gives warmth to him. She gives warmth to his father. In short, He wants this woman to be his mother. He agrees that, when they both stand together, they have good chemistry. Alas, he could only wish. With an annoying girl beside her, the woman is already someone's wife and someone's mother. She will not be his mother.

But the thought didn't stop him from having fun teasing his father. She can be his friend if he can't make her his mother. There is nothing wrong with it.

"I too contributed by not revealing that she is smearing. Then, Do I also deserve a small share of profit?", Han Ying asked with an enthusiastic voice. His father never yielded to anything like this. It was rare that his father didn't get angry at this moment. If he didn't make use of it, He had no idea, when another moment would come.

His words left the three people speechless. The more shocked one is Wei Wan Qing. Today, he is getting a new insight into the people he thought he knew well. Before anyone react, a knock was heard. Wan Qing turned around to see that his stylist had come with the attires for the night.

"Ho, darling, Why do you have to make me bring my treasure? It hurts my heart. If I find that you are giving it to someone who doesn't deserve it, Mark my words, I will put you on black list. By the way, What's the occasion, the funeral like your house looks quite lively today?", The sweet coquettish voice came from the door. The voice was so loud and he spoke in a dramatic way, which attracted Wei Feng's attention.

The arrival of Kawin, the stylist known as the Fashion King of Bei Jian, added a layer of drama to the day. His flamboyant entrance and loud exclamations were a stark contrast to the usually somber atmosphere of the mansion. The sight of Wei Feng left him momentarily stunned, his usual composure slipping in the face of her presence.

Upon spotting Wei Feng in the room, the man loudly cried. " Shit". Wan Qing suppressed his irritation and asked," Where is the dress I asked for?"

Wan Qing's protective instincts kicked in, shielding Wei Feng from Kawin's eager gaze. The exchange between the two men was a delicate dance of power and persuasion, with Wan Qing ultimately relenting to allow Kawin a glimpse of Wei Feng, convinced she would be the perfect model for his treasured dress.

Kawin, who was stunned to see this girl in the room was rushing towards her and ignored Wan Qing. He have to make sure he didn't see it wrong. But, he was a minute late as Wan Qing pulled Wei Feng into his embrace and stopped Kawin with his hand.

"Big star, You can't do this. Let me see the girl first. I will only look at her.", Kawin pleaded.

"You will just take a look? If that happens, I will write my name upside down. Fast, hand me the dress. And be glad that I didn't kick you out for screaming unruly words here.", Wan Qing said.

" No way. If you don't let me take a look at this fairy here, I won't hand my treasure to you. Wanna bet if using force will help you to get the dress from me?", Kawin said arrogantly.

Knowing what this man is capable of if he is provoked and is betting, Wan Qing gives up. But he didn't directly let Kawin see Wei Feng.

"You said you won't give your treasure to just anyone. I asked you to give me the treasure because I want her to wear it. Take a look if she will suit your treasure.", Wan Qing let go of Wei Feng.

While Wan Qing is still talking with Kawin, Wei Feng who is confused all the time finally understands why Wan Qing dragged her into his embrace. After all the person who requested to take a look at her was Kawin, the Fashion King of Bei Jian which comes under the rule of Nan Jiang.

This man is known for being persistent, adamant, and similar to a leech which will stick to you if he finds you beautiful and thinks that you fit in his standard of Model.

At the thought of Kawin's honorable reputation, Wei Feng took a glance at Wan Qing who was still talking about his stake with Kawin, and chuckled. Looks like Wan Qing was too naive to be the prey of this man.

Wei Feng, initially confused by the commotion, soon realized the reason behind Wan Qing's actions. This man is so naive that he thinks that he should protect her. The man is like a big kid who will treasure that small doll he is interested in. So, there is more to him asking her out tonight. She has to wait and see where it will go. A chuckle escaped her lips as she watched Wan Qing navigate the situation, his naivety in dealing with Kawin almost endearing.