A fellow crazy one

Oliver returned with a glass of red wine but she was nowhere. Oliver sighed as if she was planning to leave. Why ask him to bring wine even? She really likes to torture him for nothing.


Azrael touched the shelves of books under the stairs. A glowing line is deemed in a rectangle shape, before opening up like a door.

Azrael looked inside the darkness. No sound or anything. Just a void. Azrael lit out her hand with a hellfire before stepping into the darkness and being devoured by it.

The serene atmosphere would give one shiver, the noise of her steeping was a staccato beat echoing through the spiral of endless stairs. In the end, there were empty cells filled with murkiness.

With the hellfire in her hand as the only source of light, she paced to the cells in the darkest shade.

Opening the prison door she entered, her eyes peering at the young man sitting in the corner with his face in the other direction.