Way out of your league

Relics. They were always part of the world. In a sense, Elysian was no different from earth. Just a power to create or destroy lives. At the end of the day, they were no better than humans. They have magic while humans have the technology.

However, there was something they had that humans can't. The spirits. The one who gave immense knowledge for the creation of life.

There was not only magic that was created from that knowledge. There were relics. Some fought the biggest battles in heim. After the war of Nephsa, many took inspiration from creating relics in many houses.

Yet they didn't know relics had been there from the beginning of the universe. Some are stronger and cursed and some are not.

The energy gathered only makes them useful for specific purposes but they work. Mostly to protect. Some for destruction. And how did she collect so many of them? That was a whole nother story.
