
Azrael kept her silence at that. Keeping a face down pondering deeply.

"Isn't it a lot of coincidence that my powers died when you came into our life now it reappeared? What did you do?" She questioned turning around.

The wolf who was devouring its meal all this time, turned around pacing towards Edgar growling.

"Would you tell me what is happening or…" Azrael asked, gesturing to her wolf to attack Edgar with full might.

The wolf immediately lurched forward, launching up on Edgar. Azrael saw the wolf jumping on Edgar and him defenselessly standing there. She didn't think he was that weak to be taken down by a shadow.

"Kauket." She called out to her wolf telling it to move aside.

The wolf whimpered like a defeated puppy and moved away to give her a better view. To her surprise, he was no longer there.