Equal Opportunity

"Jonathan step right up and claim your prize!" The Watcher said with enthusiasm beckoning Jonathan closer to the force field that blocked everyone's path

At this point Jonathan couldn't hide it so he stepped forward under the gaze of 98 other people. Many saw him and remembered what he had done all throughout the first challenge making them nod their heads in agreement on the decision to choose him out of all people but then there were those that looked at him with jealousy despite some of them being people that Jonathan helped make it through the first game.

"Why would they pick him? Just because he helped a few weaklings over a wall?!" One girl whispered in anger getting nods in agreement from a few around her but a few others looked at her with disgust as they recognized the speaker as one of those so-called weaklings that were helped over the wall but they didn't say anything in case that drew attention to themselves.

"You mean me right?" Jonathan asked just double checking with The Watcher that there wasn't some other Jonathan in the crowd that had gotten access to the cabin.

The Watcher chuckled at Jonathan's response showing an emotion that everyone had yet to see from them since the beginning of the game, "I'm afraid there's not another Jonathan here. You're the winner and have access to the cabin until the next game but there's something that I haven't told you about the cabin yet." The Watcher said getting the attention of everyone in the room once more with the last sentence.

Once The Watcher knew that they had everyone's attention they smiled under their mask before continuing, "The person who has access to the cabin is also in control of the area around the cabin. The person with access can also give access to others when they so choose but the catch is that the owner can only allow at most 5 people other than themselves in at a time. Any number beyond this won't be allowed to enter the cabin and will be shot backward similar to the ladies you saw a few minutes ago. The way to allow access is by saying their name and then saying that you give them access. From there they go past the force field and join you in safety. With that out of the way I will speak to you all later. Goodbye." The Watcher said before abruptly disappearing.

'Oh no.' Jonathan said in his mind after The Watcher finished talking. It would be one thing if he had the entire cabin to himself but when The Watcher opens up the ability to allow others it creates a huge problem for him because he can only allow so many, someone was bound to get their feelings hurt.

As if Jonathan predicted it, once The Watcher words sunk in with everyone their gazes turned from one of happiness or jealousy to looks of eagerness. It was like a pack of wolves staring at a lone chicken.

Jonathan came up with a plan quickly and under the gaze of the wolves Jonathan walked through the force field going to the other side of the wall showing that it was indeed true that until the next game he owned the cabin.

"I allow Derek, Kylie, and Angela access to the cabin." Jonathan said out loud surprising many at his quick decision to go ahead and pick more than half of the people allowed inside of the cabin.

With their names called Angela and Derek walked forward entering the other side of the force field but surprisingly Kylie didn't move at all and when Jonathan glanced toward her she just winked at him letting him know not to worry about what she was doing.

After not seeing three people cross to the other side many began looking for the third person but there were too many people to question and people were already becoming impatient as they felt their chance to get to the other side was dimming with every moment.

Suddenly someone just gave up looking for the other person and walked toward the force field putting their hands together and asked Jonathan, "Will you ple-" However, before the person could even finish Jonathan placed his hand up signaling them to stop speaking which they did almost instantly.

"Why do all of you want to go in here?" Jonathan asked a sudden question that surprised many but when they began thinking about it many began drawing blanks in their mind which Jonathan expected. So far there had been no reason to freak out so much over the chance to go to the cabin beside the comfort that had been promised by The Watcher which is why Jonathan asked this question. Jonathan knew why he wanted to be there but he wanted to hear the reason from others.

"There might be something in there that we can't find out here!" Someone in the back of the crowd shouted which got a lot of agreement from many in the crowd but there were other responses.

"There might be comfortable beds and more food in there!" Someone else shouted which also got some agreement from others in the crowd.

It seemed there was a clear divide in what people expected and wanted from the cabin and Jonathan planned to use this to his advantage so that some of the spotlight was off of himself.

"Well, it seems all of you have your own reasons for wanting to come to this side so wouldn't it only be fair for me to give all of you a fair shot at the last two spots?" Jonathan questioned the crowd trying to show that he truly wanted everyone to have a shot at getting what they wanted and he wasn't going to choose someone at random.

Many had wide-eyes when they heard what Jonathan said because they expected him to pick more people or just choose at random but what he said appealed to all of them and he instantly got what he had been planning, "Yeah that's only fair!"

"Yes let's do that!"

"That's a great idea!" Many people began shouting in agreement with the idea of everyone having equal opportunity and it made the crowd begin looking at each other as competitors and not Jonathan himself.