I'm Still Standing

Jonathan was beyond enraged as he thought about how he was played completely. He had shown kindness and got nothing but evil in return. He felt dumb for even trying to make up with someone like Kyle after realizing what he had done.

'They will always be the same.' Jonathan thought with anger as he punched the wall in front of him. It was a solid wall but Jonathan still made a slight dent due to the amount of strength in his body. However, he wasn't completely unscathed since his hand started bleeding soon after, not that he cared since he was going to die soon.

'If only I got a second chance to get my payback on those losers then I would never trust someone like them ever again.' Jonathan thought as he paced around the room trying to shake off both the fear and anger within his body.

The more he thought about an extra chance the more he wanted it. Jonathan was desperate and that was very clear the moment he began shouting for another shot, "LET ME KEEP GOING! THAT GUY HAS NO CHANCE IF I MAKE IT TO THE NEXT ROUND! I CAN WIN THIS THING AND STILL CARRY OTHERS WITH ME! I'M WAY BETTER THAN HIM." Jonathan shouted trying to appeal to all the people behind the Midnight Games.

However, they didn't seem to listen to him since nothing happened in the room. Jonathan thought they were messing with him at this point and just seeing how crazy he would become before he died so Jonathan decided to stop giving them what they wanted and stopped panicking.

When he stopped Jonathan went into the corner of the room and sat down huddled up in a ball as he looked all across the room. In his mind no matter what walks into the room to take his life he wouldn't let it and fight tooth and nail with whatever it was, 'Bring it on you loser.' Jonathan thought with anger.

Despite Jonathan being ready to kill whoever and whatever came in to kill him it never happened. Instead of him getting attacked there was another door that opened and The Watcher's voice invaded the room, "You pass." The voice said before no longer talking.

When Jonathan heard this he was left in confusion as he wondered, 'What is happening?' Jonathan was hesitant to walk up to the door since he was thinking he still hadn't passed the game and something was waiting for him the second he walked through the door.

However, he really didn't get that option since the screen in the room showed another timer with only 1 minute on it basically telling him to get out of there, "I'm going, I'm going!" Jonathan shouted in frustration and stood up.

If they wanted to they could have shocked him already and ended his life without such a big fight so a small sense of hope began building up in Jonathan's mind making him slightly excited to see what was ahead.

He quickly ran over to the door and looked through it without any more fear. This time there was a small hallway lit up with darkness surrounding the rest of it. The only thing Jonathan had to follow was the little lights on the ground leading him wherever he was going.

'Better than dying in there.' Jonathan thought with resolution as he walked out the door and into the dark hallway. Jonathan stumbled at first since he was very disoriented from the little lights and his depth perception but he still began making progress.

After walking for a while Jonathan came upon a metal door that looked strong enough to take on any missile or nuclear weapon but lucky enough for him he didn't have to worry about that since the door was unlocked, 'Thank goodness.' Jonathan thought with a sigh as he twisted the handle on the door.

When Jonathan opened the door he was suddenly assaulted with a ton of light. Since Jonathan was used to having his retinas murdered every time he walked into a room he quickly aimed his head down and adjusted his eyes to the light before looking back up in the room.

'Big.' Was the only thought Jonathan had as he looked around the room. It was much larger than the resting room or even possibly the street with the bulls but there wasn't a whole lot going on in there. In the middle of the room there was a large glass pane that separated the left and right sides of the room.

When Jonathan saw this he couldn't help but wonder who was on which side. In the distance he could see other people like him and he began walking toward them. When Jonathan got within line of sight of the other people he couldn't help but smile when he saw people such as Kylie and Barry.

"Hey guys!" Jonathan said with a smile as he arrived beside both Barry and Kylie. When they heard his voice they quickly spun around before forming their own smiles when they saw that Jonathan was still alive and alright.

"Welcome back." Kylie said with a smile as he also got a nod from Barry. When Jonathan was looking around on his side of the glass he realized that there were not that many people compared to the last time they had all been together which made him think of the participant counter.

The Watcher said it was always present in every room which had held true the entire time Jonathan had been there. In the other rooms he had been in so far it had always been there but he hadn't had time to look at it so he had no idea what it said.

When Jonathan read the number of people still alive he couldn't help but gasp in surprise as he saw that over 20 people so far had died in the game since there were only 35 people now remaining in their group.

When Jonathan read the number he quickly began looking around the room counting each person to see if it was true but after counting them all there was even less than on the counter!