Pel's Ability

"What the f*ck!!" Des exclaimed in disbelief. "Tulip..."

"I swear I did not know" Tulip groaned.

"Well, that's easy for you to say...two Variants and space elementalist?...even your dad won't be able to shield you from what's coming" Fizz the blue-haired male awakened said.

"I know but you guys gotta trust me I only picked Pel, I didn't even ask about their abilities before bringing them along" Tulip explained.

"So you don't know what his ability is?" Fizz asked and Tessa shook her head.

"Then I suggest we do it in private...just in case" Winx said, even she was starting to pity Tulip.

"What's the use when the instructors arrive, they will have to take the test again in front of everyone" Tulip cried.

"It's not over yet we can just pick again" Grace suddenly said wearing a smile.

"Good idea, I'm picking the dual elementalist" Winx said and the others scoffed.

"As if, I am willing to keep her" Tulip said glaring at Winx. Of course she would never give up on being Flora's guardian.

"You greedy mongrel, don't you already have enough?" Wimx argued.

"Stop it, are you forgetting we already made our report?" Fizz reminded and Tulip groaned again, there was simply no way out for her.

After listening to the result Tulip sighed in relief, at least there was a normal one among them.

The next to test was Layla, a girl picked by Grace.

"Grace your pick was good too" Tulip said and Grace stared at her with a deadpan expression.

"Coming from you that sounds more like an insult than a compliment"

"Okay it's your boy's turn, I'm putting a barrier around my heart just in case" Fizz joked and Tulip smiled bitterly.

Pel did like everyone else and entered the testing device. "Ito scan to see if you can copy the ability of this thing"


"Eh, that's it? what does that even mean?" Grace asked with a confused expression.

"Guys.." Des stuttered. "Look..." he pointed at the screen which was displaying seven glowing balls.

"That's impossible, it's either the device is broken or that boy is" Fizz said in utter disbelief before turning to Tulip. "You have really outdone yourself this time"

Tulip did not know whether to laugh or cry at his praise.

Pel walked out with a sigh. "Turns out this price of junk can't figure my ability" he muttered. "Ito"


"Nice, tell me my ability"

[Host, your ability is complicated. You can copy seven different abilities regardless of the grade]

"Ooo so that's why" Pel nodded. "How many people can you test at once"

[I can give a detailed status of those within a hundred-meter range]

"Awesome...em among the five, who is more powerful?"

[The Awakened known as Grace is the most powerful]

Pel was surprised, he was expecting Winx to be the strongest. "On what level is she compared to the others"

[Based on the system I created she is level 75, a Variant with the ability known as Soul Flame]

"Guess you can't judge a book by its cover"

Pel stopped when he was Tulip and the others walking toward him.

"What is your ability?" Fizz asked without beating about the bush.

"Copy" Pel shrugged.

"What?" Des blinked confused.

Pel sighed 'I wonder how it works'. "Ito...what is his ability?"


"Okay perform a scan on me, what criteria do I have to fulfill to copy his ability?"

[Can't say, there is no definite answer]

"Okay let's try this then, see if you can activate his ability within me"


Des stared at Tulip with wide eyes. "You didn't say he was crazy?" he whispered.

Tulip rolled her eyes and was more interested in who he was conversing with but what happened next made all their eyes widen.

Pel suddenly became three.

"Des isn't this your..."

"Yes, yes it is" Ded interrupted Grace. "So this was what he meant by copy" he said knowingly. "But doesn't that mean his limit is"

"Yeah, we get it" Tulip said with her heart pounding inside her chest.

"Excuse me?" someone suddenly walked inside. "The instructors are here"

"Oh great, it couldn't get any worse" Tulip said with a frown but the person was not yet done.

"They are requesting your presence"

"Way to jinx it" Des said with his lips twitching.

There was no point in wasting any time so Tulip pointed out the way to the major testing hall for Pel and the rest while they followed the messenger.

The hall was already filled with kids ranging from age 12-18 and they were about two hundred or more.

Pel and the remaining seven found a place to sit waiting for their turn to take the test again.

'Only two testing devices, this will take forever' Pel yawned.

Meanwhile, Tulip and the rest met with the twelve instructors representing their different academies.

"Where are your choices, don't tell me you guys didn't pick anyone" one of the instructors said.

"They are with the others" Fizz said not bothering to explain further.

"Well, we are certainly curious about their potential" another instructor said. "We should begin the testing then"

Fizz nodded and the others found their seat which was above the testing area so they had a clear view of everything.

Tulip tried to find Pel in the crowd and it wasn't that hard, he was the only one wearing a bored face.

Tulip did not know what to think and could only helplessly sigh. 'At least he's not as nervous as I am'