Mission Hall

According to the information Pel got from his roommate who had arrived three days before, classes wouldn't begin until next week.

From his observation, the three boys seemed like the quiet type and only Owen talked to him yesterday.

Pel had no idea that after the stunt he pulled off yesterday, they thought of him as a descendant of one of the great families.

Gerald and Alvin, we're both orphans who had lost their parents to the mana surge.

Owen didn't say much about himself but one would be able to tell he wasn't an ordinary person.

The academy didn't want to have two orientations so the orientation for the new students was this weekend until then they have the rest of the time to socialize.

Pel had thought the total number of students would be few but it was far from that.

Blue Oasis was originally an academy before the mana surge and a good percentage of its students awakened so there weren't that many changes except for the placement of the new students.

Since Pel had Ito upload the map to his system, he needed the watch less.

Today he was demined to go check out the lab prepared for him. He knew earth hadn't delved into space technology yet...so just like the dorm room he wasn't expecting much from the lab but it wasn't much of a problem since he might not begin working right away.

He couldn't afford to set up another space regulator unless he was sure of the lab. For one thing, the materials were anything but cheap, another was that he had borrowed his brother's supplies and would have to return them.

So his total supply was limited and he wasn't even sure if he could find the material on earth for it was better to be safe than sorry.

Another important point was once a space regulator was set up then that was it. It couldn't be moved because it had already been integrated into the surrounding space.

Forceful separation would lead to nothing but an explosion and Pel still had to save his family, so he had no plans of dying just yet.

Pel had to deal with putting on his uniform and even after 30 minutes, he couldn't wear it which made him cuss the backwardness of earth. Finally, he decided to go with one of his more matching clothes.

Coincidentally Pel met instructor Clinton on the way.

"Hello instructor"

"Ah...Pel, what brings you here? Aren't you comfortable? Do you need anything" the instructor said a bit nervous, he even ignored the fact that Pel wasn't wearing the uniform.

'Which should I answer first? I thought this was supposed to be a school...Humans are so weird' Pel thought inwardly before shrugging it off.

"My lab"

"Of course...Come with me" Instructor Clinton smiled before leading him away.

* * *

Pel was pleasantly surprised upon reaching the lab, looks like the academy wanted him badly which made him content at heart.

For the time being he wouldn't have to set up a space regulator. He was satisfied with the space provided, although he had to get rid of the instruments set up.

Now that, that was out of the way, Pel decided to read through the school info. Only by having a thorough understanding will he be able to commerce his plan.

He wanted to know the value of the merit points given by the academy. As it turned out these merit points were not only used for in-school purchases but could buy you certain a level of authority.

Pel's understanding of it was vague but he had time to explore since the amount of merit required for something like that was astronomical.

The easiest way to gain merit points except the instructors was through the mission hall which was in another part of the academy.

Pel checked the map and the mission hall was a bit far. If he had been there before he would have teleported but alas...his only other option was the hover ring.

* * *

Two boys were talking when something suddenly flew over their heads.

"What was that?" the first one asked.

The second focused his vision on the flying object and discovered it was a student. 'An awakened that can fly, young master would like him as a subordinate and if it's us that recommend him, we might be rewarded'

"Come on let's follow him"

The former nodded and they both started following Pel.

* * *

With the hover ring, reaching the Mission Hall only took a few minutes, and the place was buzzing with students going in and out.

There was no restriction against taking up tasks before school formally starts, so many students had the same idea of gaining a headstart against the others.

Pel entered and saw many students gathered in front of a board. He shook his thoughts, limiting his thoughts to pitying the state of their planet.

He walked to the young lady standing behind the counter. She looked bored with her chin resting on her palms but when she saw him approaching she quickly straightened her posture.

"How may I help you?" she smiled.

"I came to have a look, can you please explain the purpose of this place?" Pel asked resting his arm on the counter.

The young lady gave Pel a raised eyebrow but decided to explain anyway.

"Tasks are posted by instructors or your fellow students with different grades. Depending on the difficulty of the task, you will get a corresponding amount of merit points"

"You can only pick a task according to your strength and task and when the task is completed, you come here to hand it over. Dropping your details, the owner of the task pays you the reward"

"The system is so simple..." Pel mumbled to himself. "Though I'll have to study the various tasks to know which kind of gadget will be useful to these students"

With that Pel thanked the girl and went to the board. He had no intention of staying in such a crowded place so he just asked Ito to scan and copy the tasks on the board so he could check them out when he returned.