Start Sales (1)

After the excessive reaction of Owen, Pel decided to start mass producing the stooge rings but he only spent his leisure time there.

When he visited the library he found out he needed merit points to access higher-level books which were what he wanted.

Every new student was normally given 100MP as a starting point, you needed to fend for yourself from there.

Also, every student must at least have one completed task every month which gave Pel even more reason to look up a task of his own.

Alas whenever he set his sights on one, the next moment it would be taken.

At first, it seemed like a coincidence but later Pel realized that a group of students was purposely targeting him.

Seeing the childishness, Pel rolled his eyes and excited the mission hall. Now he decided to make the spatial ring popular and for that, he needed a good location and crowd.

With a plan in mind, Pel went back to his room.

* * *

"You made a spatial ring and you want us to help you advertise?" Alvin asked staring at Pel as if he was crazy.

"That is pretty much it" Pel nodded.

"What is a spatial ring?" Gerald asked confused, only Owen seemed to be excited.

"It's like in novels, a storage ring with a large amount of space inside" Owen quickly explained.

"Is that even possible?" Alvin was skeptical.

"You're kidding right? You've entered his side of the room, doesn't it look like a completely different room?" Owen reminded and the other two had no words to refute him.

"Okay, let's say we help you, what is in it for us?" Alvin asked and Pel was surprised.

'So there are smart humans huh?' Pel thought. "You each get a free ring"

"Are you being serious, isn't something like that supposed to be worth a fortune?" Gerald said with wide eyes.

"Not really..." Pel shrugged and then handed them three spatial rings.

Owen was super excited to get the spatial ring again and it wouldn't be farfetched to say he had been dreaming of it since when he tried it out.

"All I require from you is to use it for your mission, the more attention you attract the better and then tell them I make them"

Alvin raised an eyebrow at Pel's words. "Are you sure? Isn't dangerous to outright reveal your identity as the maker?"

"No prevent you being in danger you should share the information quickly, although I don't know if humans will act that way...I've seen some pretty stupid ones" Pel said and the faces of the others turned weird.

'Why does he speak as if he isn't human as well?' but their thought did not longer much.

After that was sorted. Pel went to lie on his bed thinking about the suitable price each ring should sell for.

* * *

The next morning news about a space ring started circulating the Academy which surprised Pel a bit.

"They should not be so fast unless...whatever at least they did what I wanted" he shrugged.

It was not news that he spent most of his time in the lab, so anyone who wanted to meet him knew where to find him.

When he reached the lab, he was surprised to see Instructor Clinton was already there and he looked restless.

"Good morning instructor" Pel greeted politely.

"Pel" Clinton said gritting his teeth but calmed himself. "Come with me, the principal would like to have a word"

"Okay" Pel nodded and followed him.

When they reached the principal's office, Instructor Clintin led Pel in before leaving.

"Good morning principal" Pel greeted without the slightest hint of nervousness.

The principal was a middle-aged man with brown hair and a few strands of grey at the said. His hair was neatly come giving him the vibe of a strict man but his eyes were serene and calm making one feel like he was trustworthy.

This kind of person was dangerous but Pel wouldn't understand that over his appearance and even if he did, he wouldn't care less.

"I was planning to extend our meeting but you're more than just a ticking bomb" the principal sighed massaging his temple.

"I should take that as a compliment, I guess" Pel sat down.

The principal frowned but he ignored it. "I heard you are behind this" he then picked up the ring that was sitting on the desk.

Pel's eyes narrowed after seeing it. The only ones he had given the spatial ring were his roommates so the principal must have gotten it from one of them.

"As expected of a human, taking someone else's belonging isn't really something nice to do" Pel said.

The principal was surprised and then his face turned icy. "Would you mind repeating what you just said?"

"You stole from my roommate" Pel said straightforwardly.

The principal was dumbfounded but then his lips curled up. 'I wonder if this is just blind courage. What sort of monster did that girl dig up this time?'

He ignored Pel's attitude and changed the topic. "Did you really make this?"

"Yes" Pel did not deny it.

"How did you even pull something like this off? You'll be rewarded if you share" the principal said seriously while Pel scoffed.

"Is there any use for that? With your technology that is probably millions of years behind, making a space trapper is practically impossible"

"So you mean your technology is miles ahead of us?" the principal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's an insult to compare" Pel uttered and the principal remained silent for a good while.

"You may go" the principal finally said.

After Pel left, the principal pondered over his words and then called instructor Clinton inside.

"Have you found anything about his background, anything at all?"

"Yes but..." the instructor hesitated.

"But what?"

"He is from an ordinary family but every one of them died from the mana surge and also...his name wasn't Pel was Carlos"

The principal frowned. 'There's something seriously wrong with this kid'